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Posts posted by golddust

  1. Hi everyone,


    I'm still after help. As I'm sure you will have seen I had grief recently when my engine overheated and I think blew the head gasket.


    Anyway, I've just changed the head gasket, head bolts, oil, oil filter. Engine starts and runs. Sounds ok but...


    ... it's still overheating! I ran it on the drive for a few mins watching the water level. Once it was stable I did a careful once down the main road (about 1 - 2 miles). Never over 4k rpm or 70mph. Started getting steam from the expansion tank as I got home (no water).


    SO, I topped it up and ran it on the driveway for about 5 mins. Gradually the temp went up.... and up.... and up. Water reached 110 and oil 122 before I turned it off. Immediately the expansion tank over flowed. Then runs out of water, then overflows etc etc.


    The radiator is scalding hot so I presume water is flowing to it but the cooling fan never came on. Though it does when I wash the car...


    There was oil in the expansion tank but I presume that came up when I did the head gasket so not too worried there. I just cant figure out why it's overheating!?!?


    I'm on the virge of taking it to the VW dealership where I'll probably get a massively high bill so would be grateful of any advice on what I can check myself. Incidentally I'm not massively familiar with the VW 16v engine so if you say "check the thermostat" etc please tell me where to find it!


    Thanks for any advice!


    Incidentally also replaced over the last month:

    Fuel filter, HT leads, spark plugs, rotor arm, dizzy cap, Warm up valve (blue plug on end of fuel rail).

  2. Sorry no digital camera GIXXERUK :(


    Maplin Part number

    CK48C - 12V 5mm Red Leds

    No need to try and squeeze in a resistor with these....as I found out when trying to find somewhere in the switch for them :o


    I got the 3mm window switch leds from Ultraleds.com (require a resistor, that is in fact already in the switches)


    Hope this helps 8)


    Maplin also do 3mm LED's with the built in resistor:


    18p each.


    Also there is CJ70M, can't work out the difference between these!

  3. Could also try powerflow. They've got centres all over the place. Generally about £200 for a custom build.


    Point of warning though, most custom builders make the exhaust from Stainless steel but not the welds!

    While they offer a guarantee it's normally limited to the stainless material. Try getting them to lifetime guarantee an ordinary tin weld.... Bet they wont!

  4. Well I got the block back together and it started first time without any fuss. Except for the noise of the alternator tensioner grating on the alternator fly wheel (I didn't connect it up).


    However I then discovered one minor cockup.... The blue half circle rubber bungs in the side of the head. I've missplaced the one by the cambelt.... Trouble is I can't find it anywhere and am scared I've knocked it inside the rocker cover before attaching it.... Time to undo the inlet and rocker again! :(

  5. Mine is the same and this weekend the head gasket blew (probably unconnected, my fault for running it dry). Anyway, I've checked my breather hoses and none are blocked so let me know if you figure it out!

  6. Cheers G60 Jay! Are you really in Brizzie? I was living there for a month in July/August, nice place. I loved the river festival with the supersonic fly past at 50ft! When a plane does 900kmh 50ft above your head you really know about it!

  7. Oh bugger! I've taken the head off and there isnt any sign of real damage to the head gasket. I can't see a breach of the metal ring around the cylinder anywhere....

    None of the valves appear to be bent although both valves and pistons have a fair coating of carbon deposits.

    Interestingly the head gasket appears fairly new and nothing was difficult to unbolt so wondering if it's been done recently but not tightened up after it had done a few miles...


    Anyway, without much idea what else to do I guess I'll have to put it back together and see what happens...

  8. I wont have the opportunity to do the sump or get the head reconditioned as my C is a daily driver. I'm pretty much looking at doing all this quick as possible and hopefully driving her again within a few days...


    Will certainly remove all the rubber pipes and clean them up though.

  9. Now the crankcase breathing problem I can well believe as it's been running pretty badly... Plus I've found oil in the airbox and inlet manifold. Thing is once warm the engine is normally fine and I think I let the oil run low (hence the problems). Well I'll take the head off and if there is no sign of a gasket failure then I'll look at maybe changing the head.


    Incidentally it doesn't look like there is an oil/water mix at all. Just seem to be using both very quickly!


    Oh it's all gone a bit wrong lately!

  10. OK, I could really use some advice/help!


    Friday the coolant warning light came on in my C. It was pretty cold so I stopped, restarted the car and no problem.

    A while later I notice steam from the passenger side and investigate.

    The water header tank is empty and steaming.


    Anyway to cut a long story short I stopped for water and oil top ups about 3 times over the next 5 miles. Then the oil warning light comes on just minutes after I've topped it up. Not good.


    Ended up leaving it for the night and getting a train home.


    Next morning, topped up water & oil and it all looked ok.Started it up and carefully started home. After a few miles the oil warning light came on and was shortly followed by a massive cloud of smoke out the back. I towed it from here.


    Anyway, I've started to dissmantle things and have noticed something odd. I put in 4 new spark plugs about a week ago and they all have a black covering of oil on them.

    Now my experience of blown head gaskets is that 1 cylinder normally goes, so why have all 4 got oil on them?

    I've not got the head off yet but what's the opinion? Does this sound like a head gasket failure?


    Also I've not got a haynes manual for doing the head on a VW (anyone able to scan and email?) I've done the head gasket on a Vauxhall 16v so am I gonna get a shock doing a VW one?


    Any idea what may have gone wrong or any advice?



  11. Whats the interior out of? Is it just a yellow MK3 CC? If your selling how much?



    No its a corrado interior retrimmed in yellow leather. No plans on the sale until I get a replacement one and retrim it.

  12. Unrelated, but golddust, I love your seats 8) They're totally outragious, but the yellow and black rocks! :D

    Ta very much! I'm planning to sell them actually.

    Wanna get a grey interior and retrim it first...

  13. thats crazy that you guys didnt know what that meant... =]


    Yeah but equally I've mentioned that I've got a 16v corrado on some US Corrado forums and had people argue with me that there's no such thing as a 16v corrado....

  14. I had that problem with the headlight switch and the fog light switch.


    I bought a new headlight switch. Now the light is on when on side lights OR the main lights with the ignition OFF, but it still doesn't come on when the lights on on main AND the engine is running. So I know the bulb is ok so it has to be wiring...

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