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Posts posted by jonybravo

  1. Hi All,


    desperately need the instrument panel/dash housing (with speedo, rev counter, clock etc) for my 2.0L 16 v corrado


    Anyone know where to get one from or if someone has one for sale


    There's a couple on ebay, but the sellers have no idea if it will fit my car





  2. Hi All,


    I dropped my rado in to the garage yesterday for it's MOT. It passed fortunately, but on driving the car away, I noticed that none of the readings on the dashboard were working. So no mileage counter, speedo not moving, rev counter not moving etc.


    I drove the car straight back to the garage and they seemed bemused that this could happen.


    They said that they noticed the battery connectors were a little loose, so they tightened them up, but are not sure why this would have caused any issues with the dash information and speedo etc.


    They then gave me the number for an auto electrician.


    I was in a rush to get to work, so didn't kick up a fuss, but after thinking about this, they have obviously done something to cause this, as the car was working fine when I dropped it off. I'll probably end up putting in a complaint and making them fix it, but I was wondering if any mechanically / electrically minded people on here may know what the cause could be, and perhaps I can fix it myself


    Look forward to hearing people's thoughts

  3. cheers for the advice, any idea if the item (link) that I want off ebay will fit the rado? I emailed the guy and he said it was a universal fit but couldn't guarantee if it would fit a corrado :confused4:

  4. Hi All,


    Probably a stupid question, but I'll ask it anyway-


    I had the rado in for a service recently, and I asked the guys to fit my front spacers. They weren't able to do it with the original bolts as they are too short.


    My question is, are all wheel bolts pretty much standard, or do I need to get VW specific ones etc etc, as I need to go out and buy some longer ones



  5. Spent a while planning the route, used Google maps and kept adding destinations which were approximately 400 miles apart as this was about as far as we fancied traveling each day, think most legs took around 6 or 7 hours. With regard accomodation we planned the first couple of places in advance, a campsite near Nurburg ring, then some place in Swizzerland, just reserved online as I took a netbook with us which was really handy when planning things to see and do.


    We didn't want to book all the accomodation in advance, as we may not have managed to keep to the schedule if we broke down or got stuck in traffic etc, but we didn't have any problems getting hotels. I think the one in Swizzerland was a travel inn, and monaco was some 5 star job, and on the way back some golfing club (dont play golf but it had a nice pool and views) and a variety of hotels which we booked the night before.


    We used sat nav, my brothers sat nav had world maps down loaded and to be honest it was a god send. Sometimes the motorways were gridlocked so we had to take detours down A-roads etc, and just having information such as how far you have left to travel and how long it will take you was invaluable to be honest. I got clocked by a speed camera in Germany, i think i was only doing about 30KMH, so not sure what that is in MPH but not very fast. The guy at the hotel told us the speed limit though the tunnel was 25KMH or something, which is really really slow. I told him the corrado has two speeds, 0mph and 90 mph and nothing in between LOL


    Anyway, i've not had any fines or anything in the post so I'm sure they just can't be arsed to track down a British driver. On the very last leg we were trying to get back to dover to get our ferry and we were running late and I think I had the rado at 120mph at one point!


    I took the rado to a garage the week before the trip, had a full service and told them i was going on a road trip and asked them to do a thorough check as we really didn't want to break down (Took it to Awesome GTI in Manchester)

    They sorted all the basics, and also replaced the wipers as the OEM ones are crap as we all know, and they raised the suspension at the front so that I could get on and off the ferry etc.

  6. Thanks for the comments.


    My Rado is a 2.0L 16V :D


    The route we took is below:




    Cant really remember how much it all cost, but it wasn't cheap in the end. I think we were spending about £60 on fuel a day, and after a crap first night sleep in a tent in Germany, we opted to stay in hotels for the rest of the trip so the cost mounted up. Although some of the money was recouped in a Casino in France on the way back when I took them for 250 euros on the roulette table :clap:


    I think we were averaging around 400 miles a day, average speed around 60 mph.


    We were going to hire one of the Renault meganes at the Nurburg ring, but it worked out to be ridiculously expensive, something like £350 each for a few laps, and we didn't really have the budget to be honest.

  7. Not posted on here for a while! Me and my brother took the Rado on a road trip around Europe a few months back. She covered nearly 2,200 miles in 8 days. Started off in Manchester, down to dover, through Holland, Germany, Swizzerland down to Monaco (she looked awesome parked next to a ferrari 360) and back up through France.


    Didn't break down once, and the handling was awesome on windy roads of the Swiss alps. My brother enjoyed it so much he wants to buy one! Rado got loads of attention, particularly in germany when we visited the Nurburg ring (didn't take her on the track though)


    Got a few pics - i would definately recommend doing it!


    :stromlaufplan_gamma4.pdfrado1.jpg[/attachment:2hm4ok57]Corrado92.pdfrado2.jpg[/attachment:2hm4ok57]passat climatronic wiring diags.pdfrado3.jpg[/attachment:2hm4ok57]climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfrado4.jpg[/attachment:2hm4ok57]2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfrado5.jpg[/attachment:2hm4ok57]rado6.jpg[/attachment:2hm4ok57]

  8. Can anyone throw any ideas in to the arena before I take the rado in to the garage.


    I've got a red engine light flashing, it's the one on the thermostat/thermometer type symbol. Car isn't overheating though, and I have a new thermostat replaced about 6 months ago.


    Could this light mea -oil needed, or coolant needed or something else similar? DOn't want to take it to the garage if I don't need to


    Sorry to ask, no handbook you see



  9. Got the rado in the garage today for cambelt replacement and one or two bits. I bought a new panel filter as well, but totally forgot to leave this with the garage to fit.


    I can't be bothered taking the car in a 2nd time just to fit the filter, so was hoping someone on here may know how to do it or better still have pictures of engine bay and where it goes


    To be honest. i've not even looked under the bonnet to see if I can see where it goes, but thought in the meantime someone may know and save me some time


    Help is appreciated as always



  10. Hi all,


    Not sure if this is getting posted in the right section, just driven down to London and back yesterday and i noticed the speedometer having a mind of its own. It was jumping back and forwards for no apparent reason, for example when I accelerated to 40, the speedo would jump to 80 then down to 60, then up again, and then settle at the speed I was actually going at.


    Clearly not a good thing not to know how fast you are going, I was thinking perhaps faulty speedon cable?


    Any ideas people


    Thanks in advance

  11. Hey borabob,


    Yes I went with the originals! Should have just made my mind up and stuck with them first time round. Do you find that there is hardly any clearance over the front calipers?


    I've got some spacers ordered for the front just be be sure

  12. £650, which included locking wheel nuts+nuts. Although the missus will get told they were £300 off ebay and that I can sell the old ones for £150 thus they only cost me £150


    I'm not sure if it will work but it's worth a shot :lol:

  13. Spent the best part of this morning doing some mods, thought I'd post some pictures for you all to see:


    First image shows gear knob and gator off



    Then, new gator added :clap:



    Et voila, gator and gear knob all sorted :D



    Then the unveiling of the rims




    Bit of elbow work later:





    Just need to get some spacers for the front, and perhaps lower it a bit further on the adjustables.


    Ride is much more comfortable, I've gone from 17 inch to 16 inch, and the difference is VERY noticable.


    Now just have to wait for the missus to get home and hopefully she won't notice that the rado has new wheels! :)

  14. out of interest, I'm picking the rims up in an hour. Want to fit them straight away, does it matter which wheels go at the front and back? I.e will there be markings on the wheels to tell me which side to put each wheel on?



  15. changed my mind again and ordered some different ones, I agree with you all that the bottom ones were better, but it annoyed me that they only did them in a 7 inch width wheel, and I think the rado really needs 8inch width (minimum) for a decent stance.


    They should be delivered soon, so i'll post pics then


    Re comment about the original wheels, yes they were acceptable, but they were chosen by previous owner and are pretty battered, coupled with the fact they weigh a tonne. Just wanted some rims which have a deeper dish.

  16. Hi,


    I'm changing the gear knob and gator this weekend, I know from a previous post that the OEM gear Knob "should" just twist off.


    However, I wasn't sure about removing the old leather gator, someone mentioned pushing something forward and lifting it up to remove screws. Anyway, below is a photo with an arrow, is the arrow pointing to the correct place to push up?



  17. I've previously posted on here regarding some Rota cup rims that I wanted, I ordered them and then had a change of heart and cancelled them. Currently debating over these 3, and would appreciate any opinions. They will be 17 by 7 on a green rado. Thanks









  18. Hi,


    Looking at getting some spacers for the front wheels.


    I have 15mm spacers (each side) at the read. And the wheels are fine in my opinion for where they sit in the arch.


    For the front, should i also go for 15mm either side? Or would it be advisable to go for 10mm either side.


    Not sure of the ET on the rims I have, they were put on the rado before I bought it



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