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Posts posted by g0ldf1ng3r

  1. i had put most of this on the 'what ive done today' thread but thought should move to members gallery 🙂


    had my baby a few months now, some work essential some asthetic

    god knows how many hours spent t-cuttin but all tiny orange tree sap dots gone

    auto glym ultra deep shine makes her sparkle mint!!!

    climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdf19042009305 - edit (Medium).JPG[/attachment:2r5zcyl9]


    head unit changed

    sub & amp installed

    spare factory parcel shelf reinforced & infinity kappa 6*9s thumpin away - i knew it was worth keeping the shelf outta the white valver i had lol

    door bump stops removed 4 clean lines

    crank case breather valve replaced - thanks to all those on here with the advice of using the ford part....why vw try & make u buy half your air intake i dont know

    off side rear wheel bearing replaced - using OEM part and is quiet as a mouse

    rear door cards removed, plastic clips replaced and added where missing & reinstalled

    addition of plain black floor mats, front & rear, with chequer plate heel rest

    factory gear knob replaced - was silver painted - now smooth polished aliminium thanks to lots of elbow grease - need to find badge for centre & will be replacing top bolts for better 1s......struggling with badge; its about size of a pound coin - if anyone knows of a good badge place pls let me know 🙂

    2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdf02062009320 (Medium).jpg[/attachment:2r5zcyl9]


    manifold is in polishing progress & is prolly bout 85% done - with exception of creveses [thanks moza 4 the pads!!]

    31052009319 (Medium).jpg[/attachment:2r5zcyl9]


    lots of things in the '2 be done' catagory but ive attacked those i can do 4 free or very little £'s 1st lol

    peas shout

  2. Nice :D


    What did you use on the driver's seat bolster? Looks really good


    Grey shoe polish :lol:


    ha ha i wondered the same thing, very clever m8......tho not good with white t-shirts i imagine :p

  3. had my baby a few months now & thought bout time made a post of what done; some essential some asthetic :)

    god knows how many hours spent t-cuttin but all tiny orange tree sap dots gone

    auto glym ultra deep shine makes her sparkle mint!!!

    climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdf19042009305 - edit (Medium).JPG[/attachment:1d6q2xnv]

    head unit changed

    sub & amp installed

    spare factory parcel shelf reinforced & infinity kappa 6*9s thumpin away - i knew it was worth keeping the shelf outta the white valver i had lol

    door bump stop things removed 4 clean lines

    crank case breather valve replaced - thanks to all those on here with the advice of using the ford part....why vw try & make u buy half your air intake i dont know :censored:

    off side rear wheel bearing replaced - using OEM part and is quiet as a mouse

    rear door cards removed, plastic clips replaced and added where missing & reinstalled

    addition of plain black floor mats, front & rear, with chequer plate heel rest :nuts:

    factory gear knob replaced - was silver painted - now smooth polished aliminium thanks to lots of elbow grease - need to find badge for centre & will be replacing top bolts for better 1s

    2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdf02062009320 (Medium).jpg[/attachment:1d6q2xnv]

    manifold is in polishing progress & is prolly bout 85% done - with exception of creveses [thanks moza 4 the pads!!]

    31052009319 (Medium).jpg[/attachment:1d6q2xnv]

    lots of things in the '2 be done' catagory but with no job its those i can do 4 free or very little £'s 1st lol

    peas shout

  4. thanks 4 the posts people :)

    ive been watching the coolant gauge temp and the oil temp during runs where she is warming up and tho the coolant gauge seems low the oil temp warms nicely......can any1 who's coolant gauge reads correct tell me what its at when oil temp gets to about 80?

    short drives normally end with oil temp round the 70-80ish mark and when shut down the fan does not kick in - however, on longer drives the fans kick in after shutdown.....i believe this sounds right.....yes? lol

    im gona try and get her on an ECU hook up to get the ECU coolant temp reading but all help is appreciated!!

    pianowire....what your 'other way'? :)

  5. Hi

    1st post - picked up my new baby [VR6] on saturday :)

    would appreciate some advice lol

    I have a similar thing with my collant temp showing low, motorway or round town it rarely gets above 70

    oil temp warms up fine, with several miles its up to 60+ mark and then continues till it settles round the late 90's....motorway it wondered round 96-104ish

    the fan seems to kick it fine too and will run once shut down after long journey

    i heard sumink about checking the 2 cooling pipes as might indicate if the stat is stuck open [think both pipes get hot if it is]....im pretty sure just the top gets warm but need to check

    can anyone shed any light?

    peas shout :)

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