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Posts posted by Alty

  1. I've had these brakes on my corrado for a while now and had quite a lot of travel in the pedal so decided weekend just gone that I would bleed them up and after spending a good 5 hours making sure they were 100% to come to the conclusion maybe my servo is not man enough for the job has anyone come across this and what servo did you upgrade to ?


    Thanks in advance Scott



    I had a Toyota hilux push me down the road!!!!!!


    Is it possible to buy this panel or am i looking at cutting one off another car ? I've tried google but can't think of what that panel would be called ?


    Oh and we had a lot of floods please excuse the dirt! haha

  3. If i have done my research correct then this will all fit my 8v 1.8l G60






    Just looking for confirmation of this and any constructive epinions if i'm doing something wrong or i could do something better or whilst i'm in there i should also do.... ?


    Thanks in advance.

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