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G60- gin

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Posts posted by G60- gin

  1. I have a G60 which is intermittently playing up when starting and it does it from cold as well as hot.

    I turn the key the engine turns over then stops I keep the key at on position then it starts, sometimes the delay is a few seconds sometimes longer. Yesterday though it was completely dead, though all the ignition lights are on, when I turned the key I tried several times and, fortunately, it fired up eventually. I drove home switched it off the tried again and it started 5 times in a row without a problem! Any ideas??


  2. I have just washed my C. I dried it and was going to wax it..........horror.................I had run out of Autoglym polish! I found some Quantum polish so I thought I would give that a try........wow! I couldnt believe it, after spending a fortune on the Autoglym I have realised it actually is not that good! The Quantum gave a much better shine and has restored the paint to a nice deep red.........and it was easier to polish up.

    Or have I been out in the sun too long? :?

  3. Haven't had my G-60 for very long and have learnt alot from this forum. Having read some of the posts I am now a little concerned about my car!

    The car had a Jabbasport stage 4 supercharger with a small pulley fitted 3000 miles ago and my question is should it have different injectors ? "Red tops" have been mentioned can someone explain that to me?

    The car goes like stink, the exhaust pops a bit though should I expect that as it is de-catted and has a custom exhaust on it?

    I would be grateful if someone could put my mind at rest as I dont want to damage my car as I have become very fond of it!


  4. .......Hi,

    I have just become the proud owner of a G60, has a few mods including Jabbasport stage 4 small pulley charger with their own induction kit, sounds wicked and goes like stink.

    I did have a G60 some years ago and regretted selling it, I found myself hankering for another.

    So are there many women owners on the site or am I in the minority?

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