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Neil VR6

Pistonheads rant

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Has anybody else observed the general degradation in the quality of Pistonheads recently? The people posting just have no idea. It’s as though they never went to school; some seem to be completely illiterate.


When I first added it to my list of ‘often visited’ sites it was a place built by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, evidence heavy bias towards Porsche, TVR and other interesting marques. All good stuff I thought.


Now the ‘news’ items are poorly written and often completely lacking in substance. There was an article last week about some company making a carbon fibre wheel. I thought this was quite interesting but the guy who wrote the text somehow managed to string out about three paragraphs which told the reader precisely nothing about the actual product.


Are there any other decent non-marque-specific enthusiast websites which don’t have people posting up pictures in ‘Reader’s Cars’ of chavved up Mk 4 Fiestas?

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Just go on Barry Boys mate. That'll cheer you up. :lol: The only time I go on pistonheads is after I've clicked on a link on here to view some overpriced or hideous Corrado.

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OOOH Barry boys.... love that. Just sifting through the Shed Of The Week threads cheers me up :lol:


It just shows you that no matter how bad things are they could always, always be worse! :lol:

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It’s interesting though. This forum is easily the best forum for constructive chat, good advice, experts on hand to help and people generally being able to spell and not write ‘there’ when they mean ‘their.

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people generally being able to spell and not write ‘there’ when they mean ‘their.


What happened to that pedants thread?! :lol:

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This is really the only forum I go on. I do frequent the Dub Suffolk forum every now and again as well though and I am happy to report that the level of literacy on there is pretty good too. I guess a lot of it has to do with the fact that I know a lot of people on here in person so it just feels like I'm chatting to mates all the time. :D

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It winds me up a treat! If I read text where someone gets it wrong I find myself completely non-receptive to anything they say. :lol:

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I rarely ever look at Piston Heads any more. The people who think this forum is cliquey should check out the VW/Audi subforum on Piston Heads!


Agreed on the poor written communication on a lot of forums. It's hard to gauge what the person behind the shonky typing is really like though because I have some really intelligent mates who also type like 15 year old, Special Brew drinking, street corner dwelling gimps. They're just lazy bastards.

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Plus i've noticed on other forums i very occasionally visit that there is alot more arrogance, inability to accept other peoples opinions and members who are generally over eagar to jump on someone, as soon as they say something that goes against the grain.


This is a much more pleasant place to be. :D

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people generally being able to spell and not write ‘there’ when they mean ‘their.


What happened to that pedants thread?! :lol:


I Like Pendants they are shiny! .... :silly:


Plus i've noticed on other forums i very occasionally visit that there is alot more arrogance, inability to accept other peoples opinions and members who are generally over eagar to jump on someone, as soon as they say something that goes against the grain.


This is a much more pleasant place to be. :D

Hmm mention no "General VW" forums GAV?? (Cough *Scene* Cough *Camber*)

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It winds me up a treat! If I read text where someone gets it wrong I find myself completely non-receptive to anything they say. :lol:


That's a bit harsh, I have dyslexia and even though my spelling could be alot worse i often make mistakes...


Would you really utilise grammatical error as a reason to ignore a thread?

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It winds me up a treat! If I read text where someone gets it wrong I find myself completely non-receptive to anything they say. :lol:


That's a bit harsh, I have dyslexia and even though my spelling could be alot worse i often make mistakes...


Would you really utilise grammatical error as a reason to ignore a thread?[/quote:2zfbwnkh]



Tom: "I fink 'is referrin to txt spk innit?" :brickwall:


We all use localisms (

(yes I can't spell 'The' correctly on the fly.. generally comes out as 'teh' )

but there is no excuse for 'Text Speak' it fair winds me up! :bad-words:

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Plus i've noticed on other forums i very occasionally visit that there is alot more arrogance, inability to accept other peoples opinions and members who are generally over eagar to jump on someone, as soon as they say something that goes against the grain.


This is a much more pleasant place to be. :D

Hmm mention no "General VW" forums GAV?? (Cough *Scene* Cough *Camber*)


Gaz :wink:


Yeah i don't think there is any need to mention Edition38's name... Oops. :lol:

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It winds me up a treat! If I read text where someone gets it wrong I find myself completely non-receptive to anything they say. :lol:


That's a bit harsh, I have dyslexia and even though my spelling could be alot worse i often make mistakes...


Would you really utilise grammatical error as a reason to ignore a thread?



Tom: "I fink 'is referrin to txt spk innit?" :brickwall:


We all use localisms (

(yes I can't spell 'The' correctly on the fly.. generally comes out as 'teh' )

but there is no excuse for 'Text Speak' it fair winds me up! :bad-words:[/quote:26f3jtb7]


Absolutely - you can tell when someone has problems with spelling and when people jst cnt be bthrd :wink:

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dat iz alreet then innit bluud...


(god it hurt to type that) :lol: also is it bad that i pondered if i was using the right slang?? How jolly middle class of me.

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Plus i've noticed on other forums i very occasionally visit that there is alot more arrogance, inability to accept other peoples opinions and members who are generally over eagar to jump on someone, as soon as they say something that goes against the grain.


This is a much more pleasant place to be. :D

Hmm mention no "General VW" forums GAV?? (Cough *Scene* Cough *Camber*)


Gaz :wink: [/quote:24gwbjxh]



My Bad! still royal mail have something for you! ;)

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I've been on PH for many years now. I don't think the quality of the news or articles on the site have deteriorated at all (or since the site was sold by PetrolTed to Haymarket in 2007) but I definately think the quality of the forums has changed very noticeably in the past year or so (or maybe it's just my idiot tolerance threshold is less than it used to be)


Subjectively I think that in the past PH had a large population of posters who originated from the TVR/Lotus/Porsche origins of PH, but as it's continued to grow and become increasingly popular it's attracted more & more plonkers, trolls and general morons. Honestly many of the old 'characters' have been driven elsewhere by these idiots.


The Speeding & Plod forum used to have some excellent discussions back in the days of Supercop but frankly some of the coppers who've replaced him on there are the kinds of jobsworth-types I have nightmares about - all rule-book-enforcers and no common sense. As a result that forum has degenerated into something that Monty Python would create to host the Argument Sketch in. The Pie & Piston forum is still silly, but then it always was. The VW/Audi was always pretty quiet and is now dead as Kev says. General Gassing is now littered with posts from idiots, little englanders, pedants and people with anger management issues.


I still browse through regularly but frankly it's not the 'must stop' is used to be these days. Many good people are still there (because I talk to them via email & meet them off-forum) but as a forum it's starting to die I feel.



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It’s interesting though. This forum is easily the best forum for constructive chat, good advice, experts on hand to help and people generally being able to spell and not write ‘there’ when they mean ‘their.

Nods - similar to 'Ah' or 'are' instead of 'I'll' or 'I'm', as in 'Are speak to you later.' Grrr

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