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Horn on with ignition

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This suddenly happened a couple of weeks ago. I've had to disconnect the horn plugs, because every time the ignition is turned on, the horns sound constantly. I've taken the steering wheel off, unplugged/inspected the connections, changed the relay, checked the fuse, tried one horn at a time and now I'm out of ideas.


Please help!

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so does the horn sound with the steering wheel removed?

you have replaced the horn relay? for a known good one,

if so sound like you could have a wiring short, i would inspect the wiring harness all the way back from the horns bka s far as you can see to the bulk head for damaged wiring, twisting the harness over, as chaffs can be hidden.

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Thanks, Alex. Yep, it does sound with the horn removed. The relay is a good 'un. Actually tried two, just to be sure. You can here it clicking on and off when you press the horn (when the horns are unplugged).


Wiring was my next port of call... hate wiring! :( Will have a good look tomorrow.

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Well, well... this sounds like something I've got - whilst fitting my alarm, I found that the horn would sound when pressure was applied to the left hand side of the fusebox! Pulling the horn relay had no effect, so it must be grounding in the wiring before the relay? Couldn't find any bare wires or obvious shorts though, wondering if it's actually within the fusebox itself...

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Fixed! Changed the end of the loom which plugs into the horns (had a spare from the breaker), and all fine now. Inspected the old loom, and it looks perfect though :shrug:

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Fixed! Changed the end of the loom which plugs into the horns (had a spare from the breaker), and all fine now. Inspected the old loom, and it looks perfect though :shrug:


Nice one, must be a short somewhere - you can confirm this with a multimeter

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Would this problem occur if i have the wires the wrong way round on the horns? doing it with the nugget and i think i may have swapped over the wire locations, both are working though.


Also is there anythin missing from under the steerintg wheel? I have the wheel itself, then a metal plate with 2 wires then the cover that clips over the top. But when the cover is clipped on if feels too solid as is a spring should be there to push it away from the metal plate to stop it coming into contact.


Am Thinking i've misplaced something :/


Any ideas chaps?

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Can't remember what the early wheel is like. There should be some sponge or springs though, I'm pretty sure. Did you fit the metal plate back in the right way around? Have you tried covering the contacts? This will tell you if that's the prob or not ;)

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Remember the principle of the horn circuit is not switching on the 12 volts. Thats always present at the horn's 12 volt connection when the ignition is switched on.


The horn plate in the steering wheel pad completes the earth circuit of the horn relay, not 12 volt connection. The relay works the same with the horns, ie. it completes the earth side connection.


Being on all the time means there is short to earth of the relay switch earth wire side (Brown with White stripe) as its sounding all the time. Runs from the horn to the fuse/relay plate. Somewhere it was touching a part of the car body earth.



Edited by RW1

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Yeah but think its something on the wheel thats missing as it was ok when i moved it from the drive into the garage and now since removing the steering wheel cover it's on constantly! Annoying really! Any ideas? :(


EDIT! Just remembered that i have fitted the horns since fitting the slam panel back on so there could be a wire missing near the horns! where the horns are there are 2 plugs on each horn and i have 2 wire's that plug onto each one, should there be an earth wire here too?


Is anything missing from the pic?


Steering wheel, metal plate with black wire attached, brown wire comes through hole and attaches to metal plate on the steering wheel cover.

Edited by KIPVW

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Ha Ha Ha! fixed it, it was the flippin tab for the earth wire touching the plate on the wheel itself :) feel a bit of a prat but hey ho all good now.

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