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Owen VR6

Close call with a truck......

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Chrrriist... I bet he puckered up the seat cloth, bolster foam, and the springs underneath!! You'd need a while to get over something like that I think!

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Why didn't he scream or something!?


He must've been at least thinking, "Oh, what a silly lorry driver" :confused4:


Thats what I was thinking......maybe he was lost for words while soiling his pants at the same time :)

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Why would you be filming ? or was it a stuntman view ?

sorry it stinks of conspiracy to me :confused4:


Don't think it is to be honest, lots of people are getting them to stop roadside disputes (eastern Europe/Russia me thinks)

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Scary! Someone pulled out in front of me on an A road the other day. It was dark and I was doing 60mph. He/she just simply drove straight out from a side turning without looking at all- no time to brake- had to swerve past on the opposite side to avoid it. I was so lucky no one was coming the other way. The worst driving I've ever seen :(

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