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In the words of Victor Meldrew . . .

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I do not believe it!


The Mrs is trading the 3 series against an R32, picking it up this week and this evening some :censored: crossed the white line a took the driver side wing mirror off and dented the door along with a few scratches. :bad-words:


Off course they didn't stop and she didn't get the registration. Really annoyed! No point claiming on the insurance as the excess and increased premiums will probably exceed the cost of repair.


Need to get in touch with the garage now and see what they want to do. I reckon the best result is if they agree to take it as it is and give us a few hundred less for it.


Final insult is she has been on school holidays for three weeks and went back to work today so I'll have to do all the arsing about to get it sorted.


Really cross but at least her and my daughter are unhurt.

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