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11% less fuel than 3 yrs ago

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Road vehicles are using 11% less fuel than 3 years ago, partly due to more efficient engines but also people doing less journeys due to the cost of fuel.

I would think the recent rise will be starting to show falling tax take , we must be getting near the threshold where any increase in tax & duty will decrease tax into the exchequer now surely?

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I doubt it.

The 11% less fuel is just as likely caused by people being so pissed off with traffic that they moved nearer to work, or work nearer to home, or bike it, or just walk. I think most of the threads on this forum clearly show that the price of petrol has almost no effect on how far people drive and when they drive.

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i don't do less journeys, but i've calmed my driving down a lot, no rcing from the lights and 65-70mph instead of 80-85mph.


call me granda.

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I think most of the threads on this forum clearly show that the price of petrol has almost no effect on how far people drive and when they drive.


Yep. I remember saying a few years ago that if Petrol ever hit £5 a gallon I'd consider getting rid of the car. Now it's £6 a gallon for the stuff I use and I'm still driving the car!


Even if it hit £10 a gallon, people would still drive. I think 'people' are as much to blame for the price increases as the government / oil companies are because we simply don't protest or show any concern.

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I think 'people' are as much to blame for the price increases as the government / oil companies are because we simply don't protest or show any concern.


I completely agree, albeit myself being one of these people. Although I do show concern, I just don't do anything about it :?

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T'is the British way :D


Who knows, maybe the petrol protesters are biding their time? It's too early for the financially raped middle classes to show their contempt yet. It's a bit soon after the student riots??


Cause imo, it's the said middle bunch, who carry the burden of the spongers as well as the rich tax evaders, who SHOULD be protesting really....

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As much as i hate to admit it, we are missing a trick in the UK. The French would not have this and would organise mass protest against fuel duty rise, effectively paralysing their country in the space of a couple of days. We are weak as a nation and just take whatever the government sees fit to hand us.

The usual Governmental excuses about National debt and trade deficits don't cut it either as a reason to hammer us for extortionate taxes. Do they really think that the general population of this country believe that a 2.5 % rise in VAT will make any in roads into the £4.3 TRILLION national debt? There are, in my humble opinion, other ways to make this country financially sound agian, but i am not the PM and therefore have no say in the matter, apart from polling day. Even at a General Election, what real choice do we have ? All politicians are the same and are only in it for their own gain (IMO), evidenced clearly by the expenses row and subsequent jailing of some of our so called leaders.

We need politicians with balls who will not treat us as ignorant subservient idiots who are only good for taxing. If the lack of investment in this country is not addressed then how can we realistically expect to be back in the Black again....ever.....we owe a lot of money to a lot of of entities and taxing everyone to extinction in the UK is not the answer

Everyone last one of the cretins in Westminster need to understand that they are there to carry out the will of the people, and not dictate their ideas of what is best.....referendum is not a dirty word!

*Rant Over*

Sorry everyone..... :|

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What a lovely colourful post :D


We need more colour and cheer in our lives!


And what's worse is the cost of living is soaring but salaries aren't increasing. Many employers are milking the 'recession' excuse for as long as possible it seems. I've not had a pay rise for 3 years, not even inflation aka 'cost of living'. As mentioned in a previous thread, I can't see how this is sustainable. Everything is going up. Wages are not. It's like, you can't keep filling the glass or it will spill over..... but the powers that be seem intent on spilling the cost of living over the top, to the point of grinding the country to a halt.


People, can and do 'find a way' to pull through tough times but we really have been shat on this past decade or so.... and by 'we', I'm excluding the folk who knowingly got themselves riddled with debt they couldn't pay back.....which we're all now picking up the tab for.

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LOL, not seen that before :lol:


You're right though, I reckon £5 a gallon is the cheapest we'll ever see it again. It's exactly as predicted. They've kept on raising it and raising it to find the straw that breaks the camel's back, but so far the camel is carrying on taking it.....

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