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PLAYERS 2011 - 18th Sept - Northweald Air strip

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Hey guys,


Anyone from here gonna attend this? Was an awesome show last year, fingers crossed the weather holds out! =S


Jono =)

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I will be there, looking forward to it. First time the Corrado will be there in the 3 years ive owned it :D

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Don't think I can make this one unfortunatgely. Too much DIY to do on the house tomorrow.

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Cracking show but a bloody long drive from north wales - better drag my arse to bed then as will have to set off pretty early!

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Excellent day, loads of great cars brilliant vibe. Didnt take any pictures as was too busy gawping! Any one take any pictures?

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Think i saw you Sam and cdem in 3 car convoy on your way back. I did a slow drive by in my red ED30 golf and gave you a nod. Cars were looking good! But why so slow ;) :D


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Yea that was us, remember seeing your golf :-) sam was having clearance issues so we had a nice chilled drive back...most the way anyway :-P

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ha ha, ye was very low but still playing with the setup and trying to find the best height. I think I remember seeing a red golf, but didnt look to say hi as was too busy keeping an eye out for pot holes lol. You didnt get any pics did you?

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