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FORGIVE ME !!! i know this will be posted in here somewhere, but when i try to search for "16v head conversion" i get over 2000 replies :(


Can anyone point me to doing a 16v head conversion to a 1.8 GTi engine ? either on this forum or else where


Much appreciated !!!

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These days it's much easier just to put the complete 16V engine in rather than mess about putting a 16V head, different pistons, 16V dizzy, 16V oil pump drive and quite a few other bits onto an 8V block... :roll:


I personally think that you'll struggle to get much info on doing this conversion... it's possible to do it, but no one's doing it anymore 'cos there's no point with scrap yards having good, complete 16V engines for under £150! :?

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Understandable, BUT the engine is in a jetta with 80k on the clock ( the one im looking at ) so should be quite good.


Is that £150 for a 16v, or a 16v GTi ? cos i would imainge its harder to convert a 16v to 16v GTi, than a GTi to a 16v GTi...if that makes sense.


This will be my first attempt at engine work so i dont mind the hours, but if sourcing parts for all of that ( money and time to find them ) is hard then thats another matter.


Plus i have allready bid on the part and cant back out, so kinda stuck with it !! lol

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When you're using the search, use the word AND so that it returns results based on all of the words you specify.

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Problem is that all the conversions going on are G60 -> 16v's.

I will be trying to do an 8v GTi, which will be a whole different kettle of fish.


Ive searched e1k, no-rice, this, and other non forum style pages, any one any more links etc ? dont make me beg !!

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Is that £150 for a 16v, or a 16v GTi ? cos i would imainge its harder to convert a 16v to 16v GTi, than a GTi to a 16v GTi...if that makes sense.


The 1.8 16V IS a GTI engine, no matter which car it came out of (Passat, Golf/Jetta or Corrado, they were all the same engine)... I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say there... :?


Converting a MKII 1.8 8V GTI into a 16V needs a lot of work (unless it's an early MKII GTI) as the injection systems are totally different. The 8V is digifant electronic injection, the 16V is K-jetronic mechanical injection... Unless you have a very early 8V (which had K-jetronic injection) you'll have to change fuel pumps, fuel lines, all of the engine wiring and quite a few other bits just to get the engine to run properly once it's built... :o


This will be my first attempt at engine work so i dont mind the hours, but if sourcing parts for all of that ( money and time to find them ) is hard then thats another matter.


Plus i have allready bid on the part and cant back out, so kinda stuck with it !! lol


It's not the hours that'd be the problem, it's the fact that it's gonna cost you a bomb to get all the parts seperately when you can just go and spend a lot less on a complete engine....


If it's in a Jetta, it's a 1.8 16V built on a KR block... I bought a complete engine quite a few years ago (all ancilleries and wiring loom included) for around £300... :| I fitted that to my MKI Golf GTI with very few problems as that was K-jetronic as standard...


I'm not trying to put you off your project, I just think that you need to talk to a few people to work out exactly what it is you are trying to do and how it's best to acheive that goal....


Good luck... 8)

Which bit have you actually bid on? Just the head?

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The way it was looking was i would be buying a 1991 jetta 1.8 GTi and swap/convert the head.


I never realised that 1.8 16v was GTi :oops:


So what do you think is possible for the jetta ? or is it just worth buying a GTi 16v Jetta in first place ? ( youre going to say this one are you :wink: )


I know you aint puttin me off, especially after what i have seen you lot do haha


And yes it was just head and valves, think i got it in end, so might be selling on here in a few days haha, allthough only cost £25 so not end of world!!

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just buy a Jetta 16V GTI, they're pretty cheap nowadays.... then strip the engine and re-build it so that it's as new... 8)

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lol, and were talking how much ?

say i had around £800 to spend in total would that cover half an engine rebuild ? Tbh i would like to make under the hood look semi decent so new 'shiny' (joke) hoses etc, not sure at all though, would spend it all on performance if need be, theres worse things in life :wink:

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I did a full bottom end rebuild for about £150 in parts (all bearings, seals and piston rings) using the original pistons and crank/con-rods... I re-hohned the cylnders myself with a friend's hohning tool...

I then got the head re-done (new valve seats and guides) for a couple of hundred (including new head gasket set and bolts) and then put new tappets in and a new water pump...


All in I think my total re-build cost for my 16V corrado engine was about £450 to put it back to "as new" spec...


....add in about £20 for some paint and some sandpaper, and a shed load of your time and effort, and you can get yourself a VERY nice looking engine that's good for another 100,000 miles! :)


I'd probably have done the clutch at the same time, but I'd only done it a couple of thousand miles before I decided to rebuild the engine... so add £90 in there too... 8)


OR, if you wanna go silly, you could always get hold of a 2.0 16V bottom end, rebuild that instead of the 1.8 bottom end, put your 1.8 16V head on it, and put that back in... ;) Should be good for around 155BHP... 8) Add in another couple of hundred for the 2.0 upgrade... :)

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how far can the insurance people see ? i kow they dont dismantly the engine so you woudl get away with ported and polished, but how noticeable is a 2.0 l bottom end ?


And thats a very interesting post henny, im going to be looking into that more / thinking about that one seriously !!!

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Dunno about the insurance mate, I've always claimed every mod just in case... :?


2.0 bottom end will not have a KR engine number, so will be recognisable via the engine number as a 2.0 bottom end.... Other than that, they look VERY similar as they can share the same ancilleries... There is a big 2.0 cast onto the block somewhere though, I'm not sure if this is on the front or the back of the block though... :|

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Your best bet would be to use a 8v 2l bottom end from a mk3 or passat as this would be a straight swop on your engine.

YOU MUST REMEMBER 8v and 16v bottom ends are NOT interchangable i.e 16v top 8v bottom or vice vesra

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TBH its only an extra 100 ish to get the 16v version !!! so might just go with that ! a lot less messing about and no probs about declaring with insurance.


Also just found out that in 2-3 months time then insurnace for me on a 16v Jetta will be same as it is now for the 8v NA golf..sweet !!! thats me sorted with a little work on it, slight port and polish, quiet induction kit, and a few bits and bobs

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