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Time to say goodbye to my Corrado

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As some of you know, I put my car up for sale last year but found the response a bit overwhelming so quietly shelved that idea and instead I resigned myself to hanging onto the car, but hoping a chance for sale might come along.


Chap on the forum was hunting a Corrado recently and was becoming disillusioned with the prices of VR6's. Something just seemed to resonate and I decided to drop him a PM and tell him about my car. He seemed interested, came to view it earlier this week, and I'm pleased to say we agreed a deal and he's left a deposit ahead of collecting it next week sometime.


So that is, after a nearly continuous 15 years of Corrado ownership, the end for me. I've no plans to leave the forum at this time (sorry guys!) so will be sticking around, posting the usual garbage, and trying to help keep the place ticking along. I'll be making every effort to come to meets and things like rolling road days, etc. But I think I've gone as far on my Corrado journey as I was prepared to go.


Thanks to all the brilliant people on this forum who've helped make ownership bearable.. whether it's technical tips to fix a problem, or sympathy when running into yet another hurdle :) Through both the forum and club I've made valued, and lifelong friends both here and in Germany - the Corrado was so much a part of my life, it's hard to even put into words. I've been on countless roadtrips, and just had the best time with likeminded folks. Thankfully I've been promised the keys to a number of Corrado's whenever I need to get a fix, so hopefully that'll sustain me! :)


I'll leave it up to the new owner of my car as to whether they want to announce themselves. But from the impression I got in the sales process, he's a really decent guy with a passion for old VW's, and my car has gone onto someone who has the enthusiasm to tackle some of the problem spots and get her back to her best - I really couldn't be more happy with how it's all worked out.


Picture of the old girl on sales day is attached.



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Such a shame Jim, but understand with what you've gone through.


Never say never with regard to getting another, but hope to see you around still in future.


Best of luck and don't get too swept away with the Fiesta!



:lol: :thumbleft:

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Don't worry - the Fiesta is going too! But it's been a fun two years with it. Had it broken into mid-January, and that ended up being quite a bill to put right so that's taken the sheen out of ownership of the Fiesta as they're extremely desirable with the scum :(


Aiming to get something German again very soon.

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sad news but we understand Jim


i wonder how long the itch will be scratched for though ;) lol


glad to hear you will still be around here fella

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Have you found someone to take over your hard work and much appreciated work on the sprinter ?


Unfortunately not.

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A sad day indeed, but after 15 years in Corrado's I fully understand your decision to sell, especially bearing in mind over the last few years there have been quite a few ups and downs. I think sometimes a clean break is definitely the way to go and you never know, you get might a renewed appreciation again and buy another, like most seem to. In any event, its really good to know that you will still be a part of the scene and forum.

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I have thought about selling the G60 and even had a couple of goes at it. I found myself actually putting off the people that wanted to come and see it. So it's going to stay. Mine is not a daily though.

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That's a shame. I'm not the most frequent poster to this forum, but I've been around on and off since about 2006 and always appreciated your contributions and sound advice. I look forward to your withdrawal symptoms followed by the inevitable purchase of another Corrado somewhere down the line :-)


I get why you're selling, but I'm not sure I could do the same.

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That's a shame. I'm not the most frequent poster to this forum, but I've been around on and off since about 2006 and always appreciated your contributions and sound advice. I look forward to your withdrawal symptoms followed by the inevitable purchase of another Corrado somewhere down the line :-)


I get why you're selling, but I'm not sure I could do the same.


Well, having been here since the very start with no break, I've seen lots of people come, go, and come back again! But whilst there will always be a very soft spot in my heart for these amazing cars, I just can't see me ever getting another one.

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Sad day but you'll still be around, and for me its sometime the people on here are harder to part ways with than the cars!


I look forward to seeing what you get next and wish you all the best with it mate.

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I will look after it Jim ,

Great guy and a great passion for corrados

I'm very happy :cheers:

Edited by Tonyt123

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I'd like to say sad times Jim but if you've made a decision to move on and actually done it, then happy days!


I have to say when I sold mine I also said I'd never have another but in recent months I've found myself thinking of another, only because I had other plans for mine that never came to fruition.


Anyway good luck with whatever you decide to jump into next.

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I'd like to say sad times Jim but if you've made a decision to move on and actually done it, then happy days!


I have to say when I sold mine I also said I'd never have another but in recent months I've found myself thinking of another, only because I had other plans for mine that never came to fruition.


Anyway good luck with whatever you decide to jump into next.


I still owe you for the power steering pump I never fitted. I'd not forgotten I owed you.. just kept forgetting to do something about it! PM me your PayPal address mate and I'll transfer the remainder of what we agreed?

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Quite surprised you've sold it Jim, I know you've been on about it but didn't think you would. I'm sure it's the right decision and definately not a rush one. Also a shame to hear about your fiesta, you can't have anything!


Anyway, look forward to seeing what's next, can recommend a Golf R!! Lovely to drive and are mentally fast!

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It's not going to be anything as pricey as that unfortunately, but still something fun hopefully.

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I had it for a while, but realised I didn't want that kind of responsibility. Didn't have the space (or knowledge) to be able to work on it when something broke!


He had it back and ultimately decided to sell it after 24 years of ownership, as he fancied something a bit more modern / usable!

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Crikey mate, this shocked me a bit! But good stuff, onwards/ upwards etc :)


Shame the Daimler is gone too, lovely thing that. I'll never forget the jag only parking at goodwood :lol:

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