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About Corrado_VR6_Boy

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    Heating Engineer
  1. It does something with the alarm but I dont want to mess around with it too much just in case!! It makes the alarm LED flash when its switched and the engine is running. 'You got rid of the GTI-R for a Corrado??? Those cars are awesome....OK, not much to look at, but 240bhp + 4WD in a light shell = ballistic!' Youd think that wouldnt you!! :D It spent more time off the road then on, altho when it was on the road it was awsome, 4WD off the mark is Mental!! :twisted:
  2. Good day to you all, fairly new on here in fact this is my first post!! I recently swapped my Pulsar GTi-R for a 92K Corrado VR6. But any way I was just hunting around in my glove boy and came across a little switch at the back top right! :shock: ! Any one know if its meant to be there or has anyone else got one and know what it does? Cheers Sam
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