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lilfuzzer last won the day on March 23 2016

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1 Neutral

About lilfuzzer

  • Rank
    ⋆⋆ CF Donator ⋆⋆
  • Birthday 01/10/1979


  • Location
    County Durham

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  1. Hi Fuzzer - are you still around in the Corrado world? 

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    2. Geeba


      Thanks g0ldf1ng3r - good to hear from you - I've finally got my engine back to the car, so after 7 years hoping to get going again on the project - I've found "The Corrado Graveyard" they're reasonably close to me and seem to have all the bits I need. 

      How is the forum these days? seems quiet..... not sure to join up or not.

    3. _Matt_


      The Corrado Graveyard is really only any good if you go and pick up the parts yourself. Is Lilfuzzer Chris Ferry? He's on facebook and still active, if he's not Chris, try Chris Ferry as he has always been great for me on parts. 

      The forum is pretty dead. Apparently there is another one in the making but don't know if it will come to life. 

    4. Dox


      One and the same Matt

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