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About Soapy

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    IT Sales
  1. stooby - thanks for that. As you can see from the dates, it takes me a long time to get round to anything! I had a quote from a local paint shop in Oldham for a complete respray for £1500. This seems a lot and I didn't get the feeling they understood that I didn't want to spoil the uniqueness of the Storm. What sort of work did you have done at Quest? Maybe I should stop being so precious - I think the Ferrari owner at Quest has more to lose than me! :)
  2. Thanks for the welcome Henny - where are Awesome GTI as a matter of interest? Judging by the lack of replies, it looks like I've chosen the wrong place to post this question (I'm pretty hopeless at this sort of thing :oops: ). Can you suggest a better place in the board?
  3. I want to sort out the paintwork on my Storm, but want to make sure that I don't do anything to spoil its purity. I have a few paint chips (one or two to the metal), and a bit of rust on a wing. This comes about because its my only car, do a lot of miles and I'm completely useless when it comes to car maintenance. TLC is overdue and I plan to mend my ways. So, my question is, can anyone recommend anywhere in the Manchester/North area that can help me out, but not spoil the Storm? I won't be doing anything myself, I need an expert (preferably one who can't spot a mug a mile off).
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