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Posts posted by Corradoboy18

  1. I found out why the reading was so low. I referenced it to the european numbers, i didn't know US numbers where different until late last night. My numbers are still low, and there is definitly a leak somewhere but it's not as bad as previously thought.


    Steve helped out more than he knows. That trick with the MFA is damn cool. any other trick things you pull off with it?


    Bahn brenner motorsports did my rebuild, a good job i might add.

  2. My brother owns a g60 that seems incredibly slow. I owned a VR6 corrado and know only a little bit about it little brother.


    I recently read about checking the boost through the MFA


    It said that at idle the the normal reading should be between 550-720. Well, my brother's g60 was showing a max of 43. I took it to red line in third and the max i could get was 170. Acceleration is pathetic. I don't know if there are any leaks in the piping but even if there was it shouldn't be this slow. The charger was rebuilt by bahn brenner two months ago. Could it be a severe case of advance timing? if so, how do i fix it. Help me restore the g60's self-respect. (Trucks can beat this car)




    *mod edit - double thread removed - Henny*

  3. I was wondering if you guys might be able to give me an idea of what kind of servicing that should be given to a vr6 with 130,000k miles. Hoses? sensors? belts?

    Since i've had the car, 2 years and 30,000k miles, i've fixed everything that supposed to go wrong with it. But it has never really had a tune up except for oil changes and transmission flush.

    Thanks for your replies.


  4. Just bought a g60 for a one thousand. The super charger is blown. Originally going to use it as a parts car for my other corrado. My brother decided he wants to fix it up and drive it. Coincidentally i talked to the guy the same day his charger blew. Before i told him i wanted to buy it i asked him if anything else was wrong. He said, "no." that was about four months ago. The car is in alright condition, interior is very nice.

    What should i look for?

  5. You're right about everything, G60, but i'm not very good at explaining somethings sometimes either. Weight has a lot to do with how fast a car compared to the power.


    The fast and furious did ruin street racing as we knew it three years ago. It's a love/hate relationship with that movie though. i love to watch it, but hate to see the affects of it (i.e. increased police patrols at night).


    Why don't we all just take one minute to thank Volkswagen for making a light weight, powerful, front-wheel drive sports car. I do it everytime i get in my corrado.




    P.S.I still hope they come out with a factory turbo-Vr6. I dream it every night. why don't we write our congressman!

  6. ..check and see what kind of torque those things put out. i think i may be mistaken but i seem to remember it being rediculously low. :?


    You're right, i don't know the specs on the 3rd or 2nd gens when it comes to torque but i know the RX-8 (with it's updated RENESIS rotary) has a whopping 250Hp with only about 136ft-lb of torque. That's really pathetic, but it just proves that torque isn't everything.


    One thing i've learned in the states, especially comparing Japanese cars with american car, is that beaucoup horsepower in a light car=one fast civic. but in american V8's it really doesn't matter what the horsepower is because if the torque isn't there the civic with half the amount of hp will beat the V8.

    Put simply-A 250hp VTEC 4-banger is going to be faster than a 250 hp V8. easily.



  7. Lanny...the 2nd gen Rx-7 was the not the last year. Mazda remodeled the Rx-7 in 1992 where it became the infamous 3rd generation (this is where the lightening comes in and i speak like a god). The 3rd generation was much more powerful than a 2nd gen. It was equipped with a 1.3L (or a 2.6L if you want to get technical) twin-turbo rotary that would easily keep up with a 2003 corvette. they ceased production (in the U.S.) in 1995.


    Hasn't anyone seen "Fast and the Furious"? It's only the best the import car movie ever produced. Check it out at a local video store. You won't be disappointed.


    Peace out,


  8. I know for a fact that letting a turbo sit for a few minutes after really stepping on it is essential to the life of the turbo, but not if you're just cruising conservatively.

    I don't know about the 1.8T, it's a really tiny turbo.

  9. What car is the most worthy compared to a Corrado? The question is based more on performance, but also bare in mind price.


    For me its got to be the 1987 Rx-7 turbo or maybe even the first gen Mitsubishi Eclipse (only think the states got this car). Very fast the eclipse is yes. 2.0L turbo, with little money can run 13.5 sec quarter-mile.



  10. I've heard many bad things about turbo-charging a VR6 engine. Why is this a bad idea compared to supercharging it.


    I myself would rather have a TC. Gotta love that spooling sound. SSSSSHHHhhhh. My friend has a 1987 Turbo RX-7. It sounds awsome.


    Another thing...


    I don't know if the U.K. ever recieved the Rx-7 but the Second gen turbos are the closest, spec-wise, to the corrado than any other car i've seen. The HP is almost the same (178HP vs. 183ish) and the weight is the almost the same too, both in the realm of 2800-2900lbs.

    Every time we race were neck and neck until third gear. then his car beats me by not even a car length.

  11. A year or so ago some guy working in a junk yard told me that he aquired a factory stock twin turbo Vr6. :? Now i've looked all over the web and have found no such engine. I even emailed VW put didn't get the info i was looking for.

    Was this guy telling me the truth or just pulling my chain?


    Anyways, i asked him what car he was going to put it in. Guess what he said...a CABRIO. Can you believe that Sh!t, a Cabrio :cry: . Who would've thought?

  12. I suggest you stick with your original dials. I put the white ones on and, although they look cool for a while, they started to get annoying because they are so bright. I think the stock look is much better. About reversing it...The ones i have are the sticky kind. I can't take them off. But i'm not sure if they're all like that. Another thing is, if you're going to put the white dials on be very careful when pulling the needles off. I broke the speedo and the RPM needles. Thank the lord for superglue. My suggestion is stick with the Black dials. They're better all around.


  13. Well, the mechanic i took it to this time was very helpful. It's those damn dealer mechanics i have to worry about. I don't know how it is over hear, but the dealerships over here are were all the beginner mechanics start out. You know...to get experience. The fault, this time, doens't actually fall into the lap of the dealership. It was who every set-up my alarm system which was put on before i owned the car.

    I don't think my C will have any problems with the electrical components anymore. I guess it was better to pay the extra money because they did a very good job.

    Just remember fellas, it's better to pay a little more and get the job done right than to go cheap and pay for the same repairs later.

  14. Good news guys, they figured out what it was. Bad news; it is going to cost 950 dollars to fix. All of the problems were electrical. But not with the engines electrical system. I think that when i had the heater core recall done the mechanic must have rewired somethings and screwed up. Almost all of my wires were burned up. Most of it was labour.

    Two of my ignition wires were melted together, causing my car not to start. I have no idea how that happened. Thanks for all your replys.


  15. How cool is it for you guys to see a left side driver? Don't lie either, i bet you melt with envy. Well, it's the same here. When the street racing world in the U.S. sees a J-spec car with RHD everyone respects that person. I just want to be one of the first people with a volkswagen RHD. Never seen one in the states. Is that too much to ask for?

    :) I

    Does anybody know where i would be able to find a Corrado front clip in the U.K.? Wrecked?

    I know it'll be difficult but that's what makes it so much fun.

    And if you wonder why i post on this website it's because i like getting other peoples point of views, not just the americans.


  16. Thanks for your replys. No luck on VW Vortex. My C was diagnosed at a european performance shop. They got the car started so it's not the engine. It seems that there is some kind of drain on the battery. Anyone have an idea on what the possible drain might be? Ignition? I take it to be a possible bad ground. I just want to know what to expect so i don't get any curveballs from the mechanic. Please Help!


  17. This is my first time here, so...hello. :D

    I was driving one night from Lake Tahoe to my home in reno. The car was running fine the entire day. After i was finished and ready to go home i try to start the car but it wouldn't start. This is NOT problem. The ignition problem has happened three times this year, and i've replaced the ignition switch each time.


    Anyways, i was driving down hill when all of sudden every light throughtout the whole car(i.e. Headlights, cabin lights, dash, etc.) dimmed. they didn't shut off, they just got dimmer. All this was happened at about 45mph or for you guys roughly 70kph. Then, while i was in fifth gear, my car jerked forward, and the engine cut out. since my igniton switch wasn't working i put it in 3rd gear and bump started it. That worked. It did it about 4 more times before shutting off completely.

    The wierd thing was that when i pushed in the accelerator the car felt like it was down shifting. It was like pushing the accelerator made me deccelerate. I've never experienced this before. It was a good thing i was going down hill because i was about 45 minutes away from the city in which i call my home...i just coasted the entire way, running many stop lights. once i got to a gas station i opened the engine bay; My battery was ok. checked all the fluids. They were all full.

    The first thing that came to my mind was a recall about a certain wiring harness that was situated incorrectly in the engine bay causing engine stalling and/or an engine fire.

    Please Give me your advice. i'm about to pay dearly for the repair. and frankly i don't trust these damn american mechanics.



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