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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Hello mate - don't suppose you've got a headlamp multi plug have you? Cheers Jamie
  2. Little update for you gents just in case any of you find yourselves in a similar predicament to me. I took the mount apart and it's basically a long bolt with a plate, steel bush, poly bush, the top mount cover, another poly bush then the top plate (which is threaded and holds it all together). The bolt on mine had snapped so I just broke it all down - took a bit of heat and a fair bit of brute force but it came apart in the end - and replaced the bolt. Job done :)
  3. Ha - I took mine to a local smart repair centre that had "dents repaired from just £20" posters all over the place to see about getting the dent where my manifold hit the bonnet repaired. The bloke half arsedly sauntered out, barely glanced at it and said "£400". I asked about a couple of small marks where the arches were rolled, again barely a glance and "£200 per wing" BARGAIN!
  4. I've just kept reading they're not a great design and that's why uprating them is so popular. Then again I have just damaged my car due to a failed VF so I'm not that impressed by them either
  5. Cheers chaps. I've got a VF at the moment so I know what they're like, just needs replacing Actually gonna pull it apart this evening and see if I can get it welded...
  6. I'm not sure a standard mount is up to the job Jon. Aren't they a notoriously poor design?
  7. Right I've discovered I need a new front mount. Before I spunk £150 I don't have on a Vibra Technics mount, are there any alternatives I could be looking at? Can't seem to find the VF ones available over here at all...
  8. Yep. Yet another expense I could do without but at least I know what was causing it now...
  9. Right I think I've found my problem. I'm assuming these two bits are supposed to be joined? :(
  10. Jamie

    Sunroof motor

    I've got a couple in my garage that look the same as that. I'll check the part number later and let you know. Pretty sure they all fit though
  11. Just been under the car - both front and rear mounts seem ok. Rear mount is stock but looks almost new and front is an aftermarket poly but looks newish and can't see anything untoward with either. I'm no expert on these cars but does this look normal? Should what looks like threaded holes be bolted to something?
  12. He wants to whack that plate up for sale on here - got to be worth at least £5000 to someone with a Nugget
  13. Not sure what mounts they are Kev - they were on the car when I got it. Haven't checked the rear one yet. Just had to get something out the garage so had a quick look at the front mount and from what I can see it does seem to be seated correctly. However the engine definitely seems to sit high on the offside - is this normal?
  14. Hang on chaps - are we now saying the VSR shouldn't need the bonnet modifying and it's an engine mount problem? :confused:
  15. I got a set of CSP leads from GSF to get me out of a mess and they seem fine. Less than £40 as well.
  16. By raised in the middle I meant the bonnet is humped in the centre as opposed to raised at the sides and recessed in the centre.
  17. Vag-Hag - Yep that's what I thought the VSR should just go on. Going to check the mounts this weekend. Engine is completely solid with no movement at all whilst stationary. Jamie - good call but I'm pretty sure mines a VR bonnet - raised in the middle?
  18. Just remembered something else I need - the locking clip off the headlamp multi plug? Or the multi plug itself?
  19. Hahaha didn't mean loads just a barely noticeable inch or two hacked off with a blunt jigsaw :lol:
  20. Nice one will have a look at that. Cheers mate :)
  21. As above must be mint or VVVGC Cheers Jamie
  22. Yeah gonna get some plasticine under there and have a look. Also going to take a bit off the underside of the bonnet and maybe take a tiny amount of the edge of the VSR.
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