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Posts posted by staffs_til_i_die

  1. Just spent a good 20 minutes reading this whole thread. Top work fella! Looking forwards to seeing it all back together.


    How much have you spent so far?

  2. you have to weigh up the pro's and cons. Whilst you will save with 3PFT, there are a LOT of un-insured drivers out there, so a good fully comp policy will help protect that way. :shrug:

    Can you not lower your excess? it might make fully comp more favourable?


    I had a crash recently, and made a claim to the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB). The accident was due to diesel on the road, and so I argued that it was the fault of another driver who had left the scene - i.e. they had spilled the diesel and disappeared. The MIB were brilliant. They paid for physio which has been great (lots of massage and acupuncture) and also sent me a cheque in the post.


    Definitely worth a claim if you have a crash and there's no one to claim against.

  3. The Corrado Bug has bitten me hard again...


    Had a diesel Bora briefly, but it ended up like this:






    I've had some pretty bad whiplash and a foot injury, but overall I was very lucky. Have now got a Passat B5.5 130 Sport. Bit of a Dad's car, but I have two kids, and having been in a crash, I want something solid wrapped round them with lots and lots of airbags. Which means my next C will be just for me, so no crisps and sweet wrappers scattered all over the back!


    Prices have really dropped haven't they? Not sure what to get next, as it's going to be a project car (basically it will be sat in bits in a garage for along time whilst I work out how it all fits back together :? ). Two possible routes at the moment, any thoughts would be appreciated:


    1. Buy a VR that is in good nick and put in a 24v lump. Hopefully, everything should work OK.


    2. Buy the cheapest C I can get my hands on (probably a valver) and build that up, including the 24v.


    Not sure which will be the most economical way to go. As I'll be looking to replace a lot of stuff (e.g. suspension, interior) then maybe option 2. Are there any other big differences between the valvers and VRs? I know when I had my valver, I was annoyed by having 4 stud for the wheels. It's the little things like that I need to know about.

  4. My C was up for sale pretty quickly after I sold it. Fuel prices were a bitch at that time, but they've come down now.


    I passed my C today. Someone else was driving it. Gutted. Have since written off my Bora (diesel on the road) and am now driving a 2003 Passat Sport 130. It's got aircon, a decent stereo, the brakes actually work, and it doesn't break down every fortnight, but it's not my Rado.


    I just wondered if the person I passed today was a newbie on here, as it didn't look like the bloke I sold it to, and it was up for sale for a while. Was very tempted to buy it back several times, but funds don't permit. My next C is going to be a VR anyway, but it was in Midnight Blue... :tongue:

  5. Never did get that far with this gallery...


    Just sold my C today :( :( :(


    Am absolutely gutted. But two kids and an hours commute to my new job has forced my hand. Bought a TDI Bora last week. It's a sensible family car. Diesel. Four doors. Big boot. the Mrs can get insured on it (she passed this week). But it doesn't put that "Corrado Grin" on your face.


    I stuck my C on the main road through Leek for £2000, and it was snapped up after one day. Quite a few people rang and Rob Heath's dad (G60 RH) also stopped to ask about it! Small world... Wish I'd put it on for more now, but prices on the internet for valvers don't seem brilliant at the moment. So if you're struggling to sell your C, bring it over here. Leek is Dubland.


    So thanks ladies and gents for all the tips, ideas and support. I'll still be posting, but no doubt less frequently now. I did point the new owner towards the forum so you might hear from him. Seems like a good bloke.


    And when I've got a house with a garage, I'll be back in a VR, with an R32 lump, full leather, and all the other things I never got round to doing in this one...





  6. Keep us posted on how you get on, as I'm interested in doing mine as it's not running 100%.


    You could also clean the ISV (drown it in carb cleaner) and the MAF meter (but be gentle as it's delicate). Also check your brake fluid, power steering fluid, etc. etc.


    There's a guide in the wiki about changing the gear box oil. Doing mine next week:


    http://the-corrado.net/wiki/index.php/G ... oil_change


    Also check out these:


    http://the-corrado.net/wiki/index.php/1 ... eplacement




    http://the-corrado.net/wiki/index.php/E ... ter_change



  7. Unclipped the two cables as suggested. The top one seems fine. You can push it in and pull it out nicely ( :norty: ) and I can hear the flaps by the windscreen opening and closing (no jokes about flaps please...). The bottom one (does this open the flaps in the footwell?) seems pretty jammed in comparison, so presumably that's the one that's popping the cog out. Anyone know the part number on this? Presumably this is something I have to get from VW?


    Will this involve taking my dashboard to bits, or is there a cheeky way of getting access to the problem. A few people seem to have had this problem, so any tips would be appreciated. Is it worth lubing these cables as well to keep them sliding?

  8. Thanks for the replies. So, just so I know what I'm doing...




    In the above photo, I need to prize off and replace the cable/cables that attach to the little silver arm thingys that are joined to the cogs. By doing this, the cog will then sit properly and won't keep slipping. Is this right? Or do I need a new cog?


    A few other questions:


    1. Do I need to take large parts of the dash to bits to get at it?


    2. Where can I get these cables from (anyone have the part number?)


    3. Is it likely that BOTH cables will have snapped, or just one? Is there a way of telling?


    4. Do I need any special tools for this (like something to undo the vertical screw behind the left fan that Karl pointed out - it's a mo fo!)


    Cheers for all the help so far :)

  9. Right, managed to get at the thing. The cables that pull the flaps are all connected and all seem to work fine. One problem is that dial 1 (switches between head, head/feet, windscreen) is not connected to the cog behind it. You can push the two cogs together, and they work for half a turn or so, but then the rear cog gets pushed apart. There doesn't seem to be anything to hold it in place. Is there supposed to be a clip or something?

  10. Hi,


    I'm trying to fix my heater controls which have not worked properly for a while. I've looked in my manual, but it only covers the early heater controls (sliders) and I have the late-style (dials). I've taken some pics to help, and got my magic crayons out...




    Here's a run-down of the issues:


    Dial 1 (head, head/feet, etc.) is totally loose, and is clearly disconnected or broken. Currently, air comes out of all the vents, so it's been OK, but I'd like to fix it.


    Dial 2 (heat) is pretty stiff, but turns and does seem to work.


    Dial 3 (power of blower) used to work fine, but now only works on no. 4 (the most powerful) which is a pain as it's so noisy.


    I went on the wiki, which has a good guide to replacing them with a Passat set-up, but my problems seemed a bit different, as they may not be totally broken, just disconnected. I've tried to remove the dials unit to have a look, but I can't get it out of the dashboard, without it seems, removing a large piece of the dash, even though part of the dash is snapped (yellow arrow). I've undone all the screws I can see (circled in red), and the lower section of the dash is coming away fine, but the top section (ringed in blue) doesn't want to budge. It all seems pretty brittle, and I don't want to force it and snap anything.




    All of the cables which connect the wheels to the various bits are attached (above photo, circled in blue), and seem to be fine (this is one of the issues raised on the wiki), so I think it's just the dials that are broken, but as I say, I can't get the damn things out to have a look (without the aforementioned chainsaw or blowtorch).




    For dial 3, (blower power), is it anything to do with the brass fitting round the dial (shown in blue above)? It seems to be fine, but I'm not sure.


    Can anyone help before I get medieval on the whole thing and do some damage? :mad2: :bad-words:

  11. Cheers Rob. I think I've seen you about.


    Tried to register on that forum but: "The board administrator is no longer accepting any new registrations at the moment."


    Will keep trying.


    Lost of friendly Dubs round here though. I'd broken down in my C the other day (distributor gone), and two Golf GTIs stopped to offer help.


    This is me:



  12. Think i'll get a Hydrogen powered Speedboat then...


    all this electricity to create hydrogen thing, theres plenty of alternate power out there... wind, water etc...


    Right, so I'm going to build a water feature inside my C. Not only will this provide a relaxing "babbling brook" soundtrack for when I am stuck in traffic, but will also power a waterwheel. Coupled with this will be two masts on the roof, complete with sails, flags and a crows' nest...


    My biggest problem with these eco-cars is that they look gash. That Honda looks like a Prius. Ugly ugly things.


    I did hear that Lotus built a car that ran on bio-fuel that was faster than their petrol cars though, so this is hope for the green future :clap:

  13. Also am glad for the ABS. Have had quite a few things going wrong with my 2.0, but that's what you get with an older car, and whatever C you drive, I'm sure everyone here thrashes it for a lot of the time (if I wanted to pootle about I'd buy a diesel). I think the later interior is much better, but it depends on what you get. My cloth interior is in grey, and the pattern is looks modern and not as dated as some of the darker ones I've seen. Would still swap for leather mind.


    At the moment, VRs seem so cheap, I'd get one. There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of difference in the mpg - just insurance and tax.

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