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Everything posted by staffs_til_i_die

  1. Thought the fuel pump had gone. Mr RAC thought the same. Took it to PSI and they have been tinkering with it. Spoke to them on the phone and apparently the wiring is a bit screwed. The fuel pump has a crossed wire with the indicators, so I'm ok, as long as I don't try and turn left or right :lol: :( :?
  2. I wouldn't do a thing to it... including buy it in the first place :lol: Glad to see you're still loving your Rado. I love mine too. But today for example, PSI tuning informed me that my fuel pump is wired through my indicators, which has caused my car to die completely. As the bills mount up (and the grief from my mrs), a newer model (car not the mrs) does seem more and more appealing... Would still keep my valver for thrashing around in at the weekend...
  3. Sparked a bit of debate there (and sexual desires from a panda...) I like the shape of the C too, obviously. I guess that's the real reason we've all got one. There are faster, more reliable cars out there (admittedly many don't handle as well) but it's the fact that C's are just such sexy bitches that the style has lasted so long (I keep seeing Passats from the early 90s. They haven't aged quite so well...) But are you really telling me that if they released the green concept Iroc as it was, that you wouldn't do anything to it? Nothing?
  4. I'm with Jim on this one. Get a blacked out van. Then when you catch them, bundle them into the back and drive them to the middle of a bleak, deserted moor. Obviously you will need balaclavas. Play WHAM! on the stereo all the way, very loudly, saying only that you like it because it "gets you in the mood". Then strip them and chuck them out in the middle of nowhere, before disappearing... :batman: If this doesn't sh1t them up and end the keying then I don't know what will. Or you could open up a friendly dialogue and invite them in for cheese and wine Or leave them notes on their windscreens insulting their mums... :lol:
  5. No worries. Having searched a few posts, replacing the fuel pump yourself doesn't seem like big a job (or replacing the fuel filter) so you could do it. I need my car back on the road today, and it needs its MOT so off to the garage it is going. Glad yours is running well again.
  6. I guess if the car looked totally phat to start with, we wouldn't be able to have as much fun chopping it about. The fact that you need to make quite a few changes to get current C's looking perfect at least means they're all still quite different.
  7. Have been outside and have had another tinker. I've checked the dizzy and all of the leads, cables, etc. and everything looks fine. Had a thought - there's no sound coming from the fuel pump. usually as soon as you turn the key half way it makes a racket, so presumably the fuel pump has gone. I guess a knackered fuel pump would explain the juddering, stalling, dodgy idle and eventual cut out. So have booked it into PSI tomorrow to get it fixed. Any ideas on how much this should cost?
  8. Right! Thanks again for all the advice. Car has been running much better, but today it nearly died twice at two roundabouts in a kind of weird way. Put my foot down and the power came back, but then it was a bit juddery. Got home, and just as I was pulling off the road the entire power died. Tried restarting it but nothing. Plugged the cold start back in but that made no difference. So I've pushed it off the road and left it there. Any ideas before I call the AA? :(
  9. My C has been running much better today after cleaning the flow metering head (cheers Dave!) It didn't stall and the revs were ok. I recommend anyone with a valver giving this a go as it was quick and easy and the results are noticeable. It's still not running as sweetly and as fast as when I bought it. Will keep working my way through possible solutions (thanks for the tip Ross). Will unplug the blug clip tomorrow and see how that goes...
  10. Hey, as long as you bring it to some Corrado meets and thrash it around, everyone will have a BIG smile on their faces! :lol:
  11. I'm going to drive it tomorrow as normal to see if it was the thing I cleaned today. If not, then unplugging the cold start will be the next thing. If it runs ok with no cold start, what does that mean? What needs fixing/cleaning/replacing??? Cheers!
  12. Gave the flow metering head a clean today. This is what it looked like before and after: It wasn't really that dirty, so I guess that it may not have been this causing the problem. Underneath was clean: I know I keep posting lots of photo's but hopefully this may help others, or someone who knows what they're doing may be able to shed some more light on the problem...
  13. Cheers mate. Have been doing some reading - my valver will be different to your V6, but thanks anyway. Glad you go it sorted.
  14. I've got the Lyndsay one too. Not brilliant - lots of cars covered, and they're all a bit mixed up. It also assumes you have a fair amount of car knowledge and lots of tools. If you are after a real "idiot's guide" to cars, I recommend "Auto Repair for Dummies" (hang my head in shame I know :oops: ). It's been really useful to me to just find out what half the stuff under the bonnet/car is... Then get a more specific one on.
  15. It's a 2.0 16v. Wishing I'd bought the V6 now, but only my second year of driving so insurance would be an ass-f**k. Looking to lower it at some point (my Mrs is 8 months pregnant at the moment and I need a winch to get her in as it is). Coil-overs would be good but don't know if I can justify spending hundreds on that. Need to look into lowering springs. Anyone have any recommendations?
  16. Crazydave - MUCHOS GRACIAS! Really appreciate the help. Will get medieval on my car with a blow torch and a pair of pliers (or something like that) tomorrow... :onfire:
  17. Thanks again. It was Cardboard who was having the problems at 2000 revs. I've hijacked this post a bit as I was having similar troubles and two heads are better than one... My car problems are also intermittent. The power just doesn't seem to be there as much. It revs quite high when I start it (1500 - 2000), but then settles down. It is eating fuel at the moment (I'm getting less than 300 miles on £50). And sometimes it stalls, often when I've slowed down (roundabouts, etc.) It's more of a complete loss of power than a stall. Everything just dies. the power steering also seems to be heavier. Have searched lots of posts, and there are lots of other people having similar problems, but there doesn't seem to be many solutions (or one's I can understand :oops: ) I've cleaned the ISV and I'll take it out for a spin in a bit. Any tips on the MAF would be great as I don't want to break it! Here's some photo's with some arrows on showing where the ISV is on my valver. Don't know if one of the mods wants to put this in the wiki for other newbies like me?! If not, delete them.
  18. Thanks for all the advice fellas - that was quick! ISV is now soaking in cleaner. Will have a look at the MAF (if I can find it) Can I clean it with some contact cleaner as well or is it more complicated than that? I've also just noticed this down by the oil filter. It looks like some sort of connector that should be plugged into something, but I can't see anywhere to plug it. Any ideas anyone? Thanks again for all the help...
  19. Good news. Where is the MAF? Any photo's? Cheers.
  20. Right! Had a tinker with a screw driver and have disconnected what I think is the ISV. Not sure though, and this doesn't look that dirty, or like it's something I can soak in contact cleaner. Is this the ISV? Anyone? Second photo shows the part of the engine I took it from. Also, there appears to be quite a bit of oil (or general car grime) around this area. Any ideas? Cheers!
  21. Have a look at this thread: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=58758&hilit= I'm having a similar problem (I think...) :?
  22. I've been trawling past posts again and have found these which might shed some light: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=21068&p=221159&hilit=clean+MAF+valver#p221159 viewtopic.php?f=1&t=56281&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=ISV+clean viewtopic.php?f=1&t=54574&p=645342&hilit=+MAF+clean+16v#p645342 viewtopic.php?f=1&t=54478&p=645295&hilit=+MAF+clean+16v#p645295 Lots of useful tips. I don't have enough technical knowledge to decipher much of this though (I've been reading books, surfing the net, etc. etc.) but still don't know enough to start pulling my engine to bits. I've stuck some photo's below. If anyone could point out where the ISV, MAF, etc. etc. are I would be really grateful. Also, what should I clean them with? Some people are saying contact cleaner, others brake cleaner. What's the best thing? There also seems to be a few other people with similar problems. I've tried to link your threads to this one, so let us know if you sort it! Cheers :D
  23. When you do it could you take some photo's? Mine's a 2.0 16v but I guess it should be similar.
  24. Anyone got any ideas? Mine does the same.... :(
  25. Finally got some new rims (a puncture and a slow which turned out be a bit worse than I thought pushed me in the right direction). A new set of 17" TSW's, with VW centres. Very happy with them. Avoiding kerbs like I avoid tee-totalism.
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