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Everything posted by staffs_til_i_die

  1. Stumbled upon this, and as always you guys are ahead of the game (by a few years). This one's on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIuFvNURYTQ
  2. Sorry. Are we talking about Fiats? Isn't that Italian for big lump of sheeee-it? My Italian is a little rusty I admit. It's either that or small mound of badger spunk. There's a reason why Fiats are only £4.99 to buy new.
  3. I keep trying to drive economically too. It saves money, is better for the environment, and will make my car live a lot longer. But it's like my right foot is an itchy trigger-finger. BANG! If I had a gun things would get messy... So I'll just have to settle for rinsing it everywhere, followed by a new engine at some point. And I'll keep recycling to lower my guilt per gallon
  4. Any pics Digger B? Thinking of going for good old fashioned boy racer red, but a metallic finish might be a tad more subtle... 8)
  5. I went through moneysupermarket.com and got a quote for Quinn Direct (an Irish company). Much cheaper than anyone else (and you get the luck of the Irish for free). Not as good as my brother's house insurance - he gets it through the Church of England. He's not a member of the God Squad - total opposite in fact, but it was the cheapest. Power of God for free with that policy. Anybody burgles his house and they'll be in trouble with the big man upstairs. Don't think they do car insurance though. :lol:
  6. Cheers fellas. Will get down to Halfords ASAP. What I really fancy is a set of those ceramic Porsche brakes that catch fire if you rinse them too hard. As long as it's someone else's Porsche that is...
  7. Some more discussion here: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... 513&hilit= This seems to happen all the time - every time I decide on a mod, and haul myself off the sofa to go and buy the stuff, I find more info that throws a spanner in the works. Just to check then - if I paint my standard calipers with Hammerite or some other paint, will they not work as well in terms of dissipating the heat? I don't want to reduce the performance of my brakes just to make them look pretty... 8) 3corsameal - have you painted your arches with Hammerite as well? Anyone recommend this? I don't think there's any rust in there, but I don't want to seal any in if there is.
  8. An older post I know, but I worked my mpg out the old-skool way (paper and pencil) and found that I got 37 mpg out of my last tank, although the computer says 27. Got this checked out at PSI when I got my cat done but Andy said that the computer seems fine (he checked the vacuum on it which is what it reads from I think). Either way, good to know that I am getting some decent mileage out of it, although it would be nice if the computer was accurate. For any of you who are uber-lazy, then this site works out your mpg if you put in the numbers: http://www.robinwhite.fsnet.co.uk/conv/ ... =Calculate
  9. I used to drive an M reg Vauxhall Cavalier. Then I changed it for an M reg C. "You crazy fool!" people have been saying. Getting rid of a high performance sports vehicle like the Mighty Cav, and replacing it with a sensible two door family run around like my C does seem a bit ludicrous, but I was struggling to keep the Cav on the road, due to the immense amount of power and torque that beast used to put out. My mission - to pimp my Rado to see if it can match the sheer grunt and clean classic lines of Vauxhall's ultimate driving machine - the Cav. Enough cr@p. I did have a soft spot for my first car - the Cav. This has now been replaced by different feelings towards my shiny C (sometimes slightly sexual, I'm a little worried). Totally standard so far. Have had it about 6 months now I guess. New wheels, lights and tints are coming soon. Then it'll be time to start under the bonnet... Here's some pic's:
  10. Thanks for that mate. I'll get myself a wire brush and get cracking!
  11. Anyone got a definitive solution to this? How did you get on Mark? Am no good when it comes to wiring stuff up. Can just about manage a plug... :? Any chance someone could add a solution to this to the wiki? (i.e. what resistors to buy, what bulbs and how to fit it all together). Or just stick on this thread.
  12. Could you just stick some light blue tinting film over the original mirrors? Any ideas?
  13. These overlays look great and am sitting here with my credit card ready to rumble - before I do - will I need to get different bulbs/paint any bulbs when I put the tinting film on? I don't want to stick them on, then get pulled by the sweeney and be made to remove them! sorry - just found this - answers the question if anyone else needs it: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... a&start=15
  14. Been thinking of doing this myself. My calipers are a bit cruddy though. The dedicated stuff comes with some sort of cleaner. Any alternatives to this? Could I just blast them with a powerhouse? Do I need to remove the calipers to paint them or will some careful masking do the job? Cheers in advance for any advice...
  15. Andy at PSI couldn't find anything wrong with mine. I've had a new CAT fitted, but that's it for now. Seems to be running fine though now. Am going to give it an engine flush, injector clean and an oil change and see if that helps.
  16. Mine's doing the same. Quite scary on the motorway!!! Taking it to PSI tomorrow, so if they uncover anything then I'll let you know.
  17. Have seen some nice looking Porsche rims on eBay. Rears are wider than the fronts. will these fit on my C? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/17-Genuine-Porsch ... dZViewItem
  18. What was the outcome of this? Where did you get the adapters from bigchagg? how much were they? Did you change from 4 stud to 5 stud? Have seen some sweeeeeeeeeeeet Porsche wheels and need to know what to do! Cheers.
  19. AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I can do maths. Dammit - I got an A in my GCSE (although this was many years ago). Why the f**k did we learn about Pythagoras? Wheels are ROUND not frickin triangular. And as for simultaneous equations. What the f**k??!! I have spent many hours trying to calculate what wheels + tyres I need for my 16v C (4 x 100), in the hope that I can pick up a bargain on eBay. I have scoured the forum and have seen so much advice my brain now hurts. It's all very confusing. This is what I've worked out so far: My car currently has scuffed original 6J x 15H2, ET35, running 195/50R15 I used the tyre bible and did some maths: * Radius of wheel = 7.5 inches (half the diameter) = 190.5mm * Section height = 50% of 195mm = 97.5mm * So the rolling radius for this car to maintain is 190.5 + 97.5 = 288 mm Then I got stuck. I want some 17" rims. I'd like to go a bit wider (but not too much). I'd like to avoid having my arches rolled as this costs cash money. Most of the wheels I like (e.g. Audi TT, Porsche) are all 5 stud, so I might have to get adaptors (more money + more maths = more brain ache = more beer needed = more money) I keep seeing wheels but not tyres. But by the time I've bought the rims, paid for petrol to collect them, bought tyres, adapters, got them balanced - it would probably have been easier and cheaper to buy a new package. Also, eBay things go quickly. Often by the time I think I've got it sorted, I log back on and the damned things have sold. Maybe I should admit defeat, and buy some new wheels, and get the shop to do the calculations. But I was forced to do maths for years - there must have been a reason! I know this comes up all the time and you must get sick of it, but any help would be really appreciated. Also - I notice that there seems to be some definite preferences for wheels on here (BBS for example). I'm new to all this, and I know it's down to personal taste, but anyone have ideas on wheels to avoid (either because they're shite or because generally you find them on chavved up Novas?) Cheers, Chris
  20. This sounds like it would make my Valver look sweet. However, if I "grind my rears" I don't think they'll look quite as good as yours. Me loose on my shiny C with an angle grinder/electric sander??? can only end in tears. Any chance you could explain a bit more about what you did, how you did it, the tools you used? At least then if I can't do it, I'll know what to ask someone at a body shop (and not look like such a complete novice)...
  21. I too was smoking a mighty reefer. I was also mainlining some serious shee-it whilst making love to a under age pair of twins from Peru. So you can imagine my surprise when the police didn't pull me over. Now if they'd known about the two corpses in the boot of my C then that maybe things might have turned out differently.... Too dark for the forum??!! :2gunfire: :lol:
  22. Cheers guys. It was one scare I didn't need! Will slow down until the two year marker has passed (October!) Was very jealous of their Range Rover though - not usually my thing but it was the dog's danglers. The speed it disappeared!
  23. Cheers Jim. $65 seems a lot for two little mirrors though! Do they have the "objects in this mirror may hit you in the face if you look too closely at them" type message on? All the cars I was in when I was in LA had this on. But I'm British (smarter than your average American...)
  24. I've got an M reg 2.0 16v C. It's got 4 stud wheels. I'm after some new wheels, and all of the wheel calculators I go on say that my C should be 5 stud not 4. Is this right?
  25. Sounds like you could be onto a nice little earner if you start making you own kits! My window is also rattling when open. It opens and closes fine though, but reading this it sounds like it's all downhill. Maybe I should just take the window out and start getting in and out Dukes of Hazard style...
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