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olly elworthy

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Posts posted by olly elworthy

  1. if your engine is filthy best thinkg i have ever used to clean one is Wurth Motorcycle cleaner , it comes in a 1 litre spray bottle and its purple, i use it on my motocross bike and tried it in my engine bay and it was awesome!!

  2. come on dave get some more pics up,, allot more cleaning and painting has been going on and teh engine bay has now been laquered, finishing off teh engine bay painting,,


    tonight i will be sorting out the wiring loom, lots of soldering heat shrinking and taping,

    dave has more cleaning and degreasing to do wahoo,,


    as a little treat for dave i repainted the front cross member ove rteh weekend whilst he was out galavanting


    The garage looks lovely Olly, I'm lucky in having a couple of barns to work in during the summer and autumn, but I'd like a nice concrete floor. Might buy a 2 post lift one day. They're only fetching a couple of hundred these days...


    thanks we built it ourselves can fit 5 cars in there no problem :D 8)

  4. knock sensor,



    rotor arm

    dizzy cap

    1m long vac pipe

    fuel filter,



    do the simple things first.


    many people waste time looking for elaborate solutions to problem when in fact its usually just the simple things that go wrong just as they would on an old ford anglia or something of similar prehistorc origin. 8)


    go back to basics and work from there.. :D yoda.gif

  5. that ident mark is just the manufactures casting marks, Its nothing to do with any servicing


    It looks too diy for it to be done by vw i thought, surely vw would have stamped idents onto it, cant see a Tech scribing every one that goes out, or did they? :lol:



    it is true vw do put hand scribbled ident scribe marks on them,, mine had it too so have many others..

  6. lot sof silly problems with this car aswell as teh big ones,, running prob that griff was having was dude to the front engine mount breaking and knocking the throttle closed switch off line,, a spimple adjustment with a pair of pliers here to bentd it back to where it was would of avoided the need for the taped WOT switch,,


    there is also a strange wire coming from teh hall sender feed on teh dizzy to inside teh cabin,, maybe for a previous shift light or a bodge round something,,


    lambda wiring above speaks for itself


    coolant flange on top of rad broken..


    similar wiring woes on the headlight loom, its an abomination,, and for some reason all the flanges have been cut off teh downpipe under teh car (which is blowing at the top flexi i might add) , and several welded pipes make its way to teh center section,, a crude stab at a cat bypass pipe i would imagine,, tehre are 2 lambdas under tehre one thats disconnected in teh stock location (prob siezed in) and one just before teh first silencer that is kinda wired in sort of..


    wish i had teh time to go with dave to view the car,, i was at goodwood festival of speed at the time..

    sure its nice looking but its like a supermodel with hidden ghonnorea,, once you take teh clothes off you find all sorts of stuff you just dont want to see............


    I will leave no stone unturned with theis car and it will be an awesome G60 once i am done,, but its gonna cost allot of £££££ to get it up to spec and sorted..


    bad news about teh charger too, looks like its done an oil seal for somoe reason,, wouldnt be crankcase pressure venting oil back into it as she is running a boost return..


    trouble with private sales i suppose,, :shock: :shock:


    as i say though it sure is a pretty looking car!! 8) 8)

  7. not really a problem, slave cyl is cheap as chips £40 form gsf, its a vw one with the part no ground off made by fag,, takes about 10 mins to fit,, master cyl is about £80 and more of a pain as there are parts to disconnect inside and teh master cyl is pretty tight to the engine etc.. try teh slave forst,, may also be worth bleeding teh sys through as its often a neglected area at fluid changes..

  8. no you cant they are stretch bolts,,

    and very cheap,, tehya re the same as a normal 8v Gti if you have a PG lump,, get some new ones,, save you diagnosing a blown headgasket in the near future........

  9. shoudl take a bit of work off of the raddo and gain me some fuel economy too,,









    also i should be back on here a bit more now,, been seconded to the clients office for the last 7 months with no web access at work its been a total Doomer :, i am back in the fold now though!! 8) 8)

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