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About tez180

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  • Location
    Oxford - UK


  • Interests
    BMW E30's - Corrado's - Graphics design - knitting.
  1. My engine (ADY) has a ISV... :ignore: :shrug:
  2. But it only does it on idle.... and gets worse the longer I leave it... But is fine when running.
  3. Hi People, Just the past couple mornings and afternoons to and from work, the car starts up but coughs and splutters for a minute or two. What should I be looking at? any usual suspects? :pale: Cheers James
  4. ive got both part codes so its ok it is a 2e engine not a ady :)
  5. haha typical. Found it, sorry :wave: Part# 037103213B
  6. Hey, Cant find this anywhere on the VAGCAT etc... and I have no part number (nothing on the pipe as its f****d :( Mine is split and well gunked up - so Can anyone help me out?? - part number etc or if anyone had one from a breaking thread etc! Cheers James (pic stole and adjusted to show the part in Q)
  7. Diagnosed ti today further, is infact a switch that is f**cked on the rad. So no need for a new pump... yet. But I will uprate to the 16v one when I do.
  8. Yeah cheers lads, will look into it this week.. I need to use the car tomorrow. If it goes above 100º I will just have to pull over. :( How much of a pig of a job is changing the water pump on the 8Valve? I will do the thermostat too. And what sort of costs. Cheers again.
  9. Yeah, my heaters get hot very quickly... does this give you more Idea as to whats up? :shrug:
  10. Balls, :( - Should I not drive it then...
  11. dam i need to go get my electrics sorted tomorrow it seems to hover abound 100º is it safe to use still??
  12. well basically i took my 8v for a little run to the shops and i noticed it had reached 100º by the time i got there ! i hadnt ragged it just 20mph there its never happended before , could it be my the thermostat ? i checked the pipes and they were hot . oil temp on the mfa saying about 70º has anyone else had this problem ?? thanks
  13. Yeah no worries, Cheers buddy
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