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ahh, poor corrado.

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hi guys, its almost 1 in the morning over here on the east coast of the U.S.

i have a horrible story to tell. i dont think ive ever been this angry. just to let everyone know im only 15 years old. im very into my car and its just about all i can think about. well tonight i took my car out a couple houses down and got some flour for my mom. i came back parked the car in the garage and every thing was fine. well, ive never forgotten to put the e-brake up b4 and tonight was a first. i still would sware it was up when i got out of the car. well my garage has a hole out the back too. where my dad used to take his jeep down through the woods and play around. well my sister came home and asked me where my car was. i immediatly started to flip out. i ran out side and realized that it wasnt in the garage. my stomach dropped. i ran down the hill out the back of the garage and see the corrado up against a tree. i ran to it to see if i could see anything. it was really dark at this point. b4 i could look any more i turned around and threw up. ive been running around trying to get a flash light and there are none in the house. its still down there right now. from what it looks like after i upend the hood, thatt there is no damage done to the engine. it was done to the side that the battery is on (vr6) and im thinking that that is the better side to have something done to it on. im hoping its just the body that will need to be fixed. im sorry if this is the wrong place to put this entry, i didnt really know where else to put it. i just wanted maybe some corrado sympathy, and or some advice on what you would do. ill post again tommorow when i figure somthing out. bye.

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Well I know it'll need some caring and repairing now but I'll put this in general - should get a better reponse as well.


As for the incident, that is horrible to hear and you must be gutted. How far is it from the garage to the tree? Did it gather much momentum?


I've just realised, and I'm pretty spooked by this, that I was having a dream last night (probably in the last 4 or 5 hours that I was in my C and no matter how much I used the handbrake, it just wouldn't work, and I kept rolling down this big hill! Those on here that know me, hopefully, will know that I wouldn't make such a story up - especially as you're probably a bit stressed.


Anyway, this is one reason why you should leave your car in gear when you park it.


Hope you are able to get it fixed quite easily.

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Well it always sucks to have something like this happen.. another guy on the eGroup (who also posts on here) had a similar accident.. car rolled off his driveway, across a busy 2 lane road (didnt hit anything though) through a neighbours front gate and into their wall. His was a magazine feature car, and he had spent thousands on it...


I am totally gutted for you mate and I hope you get it sorted out asap. I wouldn't wish anything like that on any Corrado owner.


But damn, its some screwed up laws in the USA that let a 15 year old drive a 2.8 litre VR6. I'm 22 and the insurance companies still like to rip me off on a 1.6 litre car! :)

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That's what you get for driving a heavily modded Saxo Jim ;)





Buy a VR - you know it makes sense :)

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thanks guys, im most deffinatly going to be leaving the car in gear all the time. when i get home from school today my dad and some people from work are gonna come help me get it out. its a good 30 feet from the garage. and it went down a hill. but the damage dosnt look all that bad. its goona need a definate new front bumper. ill update with things like that. just to let u know. im 15 with out a drivers permit yet. this was like my dream car and a friends dad was selling it and my parents knew how much i wanted it so they bought it before he sold it. thanks, tj

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Like all the guys here I know, very sorry to hear of your mishap. Gutting. But look on the bright side - yes there is one - the car was in a tree out back and not disappeared who knows where. That really hurts

Keep us posted

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so were you driving the car with someone else in the car before the accident happened? Otherwise how were you driving legally?


I guess it works differently in the States.


I've said it a million times, we get ripped off so badly in this country isn't true.


Anyway.. I don't wanna take this OT. Hope you get yor car sorted soon tinsman :)

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Driving age on the Isle of Man is 16 - I passed my test about 6 months after my 16th.

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umm.. yea driving age is 16. im 15... lets leave it at that. (just so im not considered the forum jackass, it was right down the road where i was driving) im going to be trying to get the car out later tonight.

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hey man, at least you didn't have to pay for it. if i did something like that after the amount of tedious work i've done to pay for my ride, i'd walk off a bridge. :lol:

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.... were not sure that i dont have to pay for it yet. i probly do. im contemplating walking off a bridge. i got it unstuck today. i am even more angry now. the alignment is very screwed up. u need to hold the steering wheel upside down to go straight. cant wait to see the bill.

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Are you sure this wasn't caused by the absolute classic MK2 Golf rear disc problem? What happens is, when you yank up the handbrake after a run, the pads cool down and contract, allowing the car to roll forwards, or backwards. I've sat in my VR6 on a slight incline and after a few seconds, I could hear the rear brakes groaning as the car edges forward. All it takes is to not pull the brake hard enough and it will creep off your drive until enough momentum is gathered until it meets a, err, tree.


Not saying that is what happened, merely a possibility as it's not unheard of.



94 VR6

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Yeah all the mk2 Golf's I've had have had shockingly bad handbrakes due to the rear pads.


Even on the C - I park on my drive (which is quite steep) but always leave it in gear - when you get in a press the clutch, the car sometimes rolls forwards!

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Even on the C - I park on my drive (which is quite steep) but always leave it in gear - when you get in a press the clutch, the car sometimes rolls forwards!


I've learnt my lesson and now leave my C in gear wherever I park her...


I watched my old 16V corrado reverse down my parents drive, through the wheely bin, thru a fence, across the street, up the opposite drive, stop and come back down again to end up in the middle of the road... :shock:


My dinner went across the room as I sprinted out of the house yelling about car theives and the like... I felt a right prat when I realised that there was no-one near the car and it was just the handbrake letting go after cooling down... :roll:


Fortunately, apart from the wheely bin and the fence (which were totaled!) there was no damage to my C as the bin took all of the impact! :? :shock: 8)


Sorry to hear about your C Tinsman hope it's not too bad...

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It's just a bad design from VW. Most decent rear disc brake setups have a drum brake inside the rear discs, which do not contract and cause slipping. I can't leave my car in gear because I keep forgetting the next morning, so I just yank up the brake an extra couple of notches when on a hill.



94 VR6

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yea... im alwasy gonna leave mine in gear from now on... i do have that problem tho... i forget that it is in gear and then i start the car and take my foot off the clutch and i stall out. but either way... from now on i will always put it in gear. We took it to the shop.. besides the body work i think im gonna need new front suspension and a new arm or somthing??? wel ill be working alot this summer. thanks for all the positive support. tj

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