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FAO Everyone waiting on Headlight Looms

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I know a lot of people are waiting on Headlight Looms as Majik has gone missing.


I have found someone who is willing to make a load of looms up for us, he currently makes them for the mk1/2 golfs.


He needs to know how similar they are to Golf looms first, but said he is willing to do them for everyone that is waiting - so how many people will want one?


Here is his eBay page so you see the quality of the looms - same price too.

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Nasty. He doesn't use relay bases; it looks like the cables are soldered directly to the relay pins. That'll make it a proper pain in the arse to replace the relays if you're not able to solder.


* EDIT *


On second thoughts, they look like push-on connectors. Still not quite relay base quality but passable.

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not being funny - but has anyone PMd the guy that h100vw (Gav) "trained" - I am sure he would be interested to know there is a supply problem.


Personally, I would not buy from anyone else as I know how highly Gavs looms were regarded.


Cant remember the guys name tho!

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KUR2Y is the guy that gavin has trained up to do the looms, i'm gonna ask him for one in about 2 mins :D

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Kind of a supplier issue here so .... you guessed it .... like the cows in Ronan's sig ..... moooooving.

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