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argh what do i do!!

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as some of you know i bought a rado about 3 weeks ago and i love it etc.. but i now am faced with a dilemma!


i have come in too some money 8) around 4k too be exact!!!! so what shall i do! keep my valver which needs alot of body work doing arches have gone and i want too have it resprayed .The engine also requires some attention it stinks of oil but doest actually use much if any :?

get all the above done buy some new rims lower it and other bits and bobs (lights grilles exhaust etc....)


or would you sell it and buy a good rado from the start im sure i could pick up a lovely rado for around this much id would be after FOR SURE a g60 or possibly a vr6 as i can insure bth the g60 insurance is actually cheaper than my valver and too be honest i think i should f bought a g6 any way!


what would you do???????????????



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just go & have listen to how a vr sounds! that'll make your mind up! you'll get a very good vr for that sort of money (i did)


decisions decisions.............

not a bad dilemna to be in

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what would you do???????????????


Give it to me?


I wouldn't throw it at the valver as you'll never recoup that if you ever decided to sell it on, sell the valver, get a decent G60 for around 3k and keep the rest as something to fall back on.

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I was in a similar position last year, but without the £4k. Luvd my valver, spent £1k in cyl hd rebuild & new wheels, realised I needed to spend alot more to get it mint, but it would still be a valver! Sold it and bought a VR :D


Valvers are great cars but still the 'entry' level C. If you are hooked with a C then spend your money on a G60 or VR as you will get better returns, in driving pleasure & resale (if money speant wisely).


I hear John (16VG60) is selling, could bag yourself one of the nicest & most powerful G60's about!!

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well thats what im going too do then 8)


anybody want a valver?? lol


ive heard a vr they do sound awesome but my jaw dropped when i heard reports of 15mpg when 'used' !!! is this true but i also love the sound of a s/g spooling up


is 16VG60 car advertised on the site ??? or is he in the process of selling i could be interested any links too pictures of his car ??


im a right pain my missus is cursing me telling me too keep the one ive got etc... but im a serial car changer!! and an adrenaline junkie 8)


definately not straying from corrados . they are simply awesome

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15 mpg when 'used' is b*llocks mate. Its massively over-fueling if thats the case.


I rag the sh*t out of mine all the time, day in day out, and get around 25 average. I reckon you'd probably still get 15 mpg on a track!!

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Heh.. quite frankly I wouldn't rate your chances of getting insured on a 16VG60 at the age of 19 so i'd forget about John Mitchells motor! ;)

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At the moment im wishing i'd bought a nice £3-4k vr6 instead of this 1500quid heap of junk parked on my drive at the moment! arrrgh!


Still love the bloody thing though for some reason :p

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