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Seeing as everyone is showing off their car cleaning efforts

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Bear in mind I have only polished this car TWICE, in the year since I've owned it. It gets used every single day, and gets used hard, on tracks, motorways, everywhere. and i work on a manky old industrial estate, and have to drive accross all manner off rubble and mud and filth to get to the office.


Here's my days' efforts. Didn't have a decent tyre/trim blacker to finish it off,and I couldn't be btohered to do the glass excuse the odd rear door.












Not bad for someone who gave up with "shiny stuff" about 5 years ago!

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I'm not sure why it is that you always feel the need to defend yourself before starting the actual content in a lot of your threads Paul ;)


The car looks very good.. and thats no mean feat with black cars. I couldn't ever get my black MK4 looking clean - it just shows up absolutely every single little scuff, scrape, chip and swirl!


Liking the carbon fibre bonnet! :)

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Had some spare time on your hands? :D


yes, I'm off work with stress, after going mental at work last week and smashing my computer to death and walking out. polishing is quite theraputic as it happens. I'd never had time to do it all year (probably why I cracked up!!)


cleaning the car was my idea of passing the time and keeping my mind of things. plus, it hadn't been polished since Edition38 2005, and i'd NEVER hoovered it out!! suffice to say, it minged...but now it's like new again, and my vag com cable turned up today too, so all the horrible yellow dash lights are off (I had FOUR of them on today)


as for the micra, well spotted! here's a close up of the drivers door.




ooh, carbon (eeurgh, me)



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I'm not sure why it is that you always feel the need to defend yourself before starting the actual content in a lot of your threads Paul ;)


Because I can't take criticism, so I have to point out all the flaws before anyone else does! (so I get the satisfaction, instead of them ;-) )


Zymol, if anyone was wondering.

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Looking great mate, well done. - i remember it being filfthy a few months back when you kindly dropped off my gearbox LOL, so major improvement.

Glad you found it relaxing - a different story for me having to do 4 - 20 cars a day LOL.

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