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Stealth Rolling Road Day!

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Well got Tom to lock the other thread as it was getting a wee bit lengthy, so thought I would start off a new one to post thoughts / thanks and results.


I'd like to extend a very big thanks to funky for arranging the day which passed without incident, and of course thanks to Stealth Racing for hosting us. I think we all had a really good day, myself included when I got my Saxo rolling roaded at 112BHP when the standard is sposed to be 98BHP :)


Nice to meet all the usual suspects, and of course nice to meet some new faces :)


Piccies to follow from me in a little while!

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Not sure of his name, but there was a rather crafty VR6 which looked totally standard but bashed out 276BHP thanks to its supercharger and who knows what else!



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Not so good.. around 240BHP, though I think he said its down to an out of date program or software for his engine management.. he thinks if he gets that nailed, it'll be a totally different machine.

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Cheers Funky for organising a good day out :turn-l: and obviously nice one Stealth for their kind expertise. When I get around to downloading the camcorder footage ill either post a link/upload it so everyone can see.



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Guy's VR has a lot more up it's sleave than it showed because of the lowered C/R it's running but without having the smaller pulley to fill the cylinders with higher boost.

The map he's running in his ECU is the old Z-engineering map which just doesn't cut it when it comes to the particular spec of Guy's engine being at 3.0 litre etc, the pots will be filled with fun very soon, i can promise!


Hey Guy, I know you'll read this so get a few posts in mate!


I'm impressed to read about the other VR charged C, think it's got the Z-charger on though hasn't it?

Interested to know the spec on that. Nice one.





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Hey all - had a great day out - nice to put some faces to the names too


BANANAMAN - email me about the CD and how to get it working please, I thought you said it was a .pdf file - it's not !


Cheers funky and STEALTH too - nice to see caring ppl still exist.


Uploading piccies as we speak - will post a link in a mo.


David (205bhp!)

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I couldn't get over the heat that Guys VR kicked out the back of it though.. I was stood about a 1/3 of the way up the car but quite close to it, and as it was getting into its stride I was aware that my legs were starting to bake with the exhaust gasses coming out of the back!

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it was an excellent day cheers for everybody who turned up and much respect to vince and the lads if only all car establishments where this good

was quite a few surprises on the rollers, and corradovr6sc,s car awesome highest of they day

felt a little sorry for surf when water leaking from his car then smoke from every where oops sitll got us 125 miles home no probs thouh

looking forward to seeing some pics

funky :D

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I was very surprised with the outcome as the engine is standard apart from the Z-Eng kit of course. Didn't expect to see more than 260 and would still have been pleased if it was less than that. BTW is there a list of all the results?

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Well I know 2CC was keeping a list of results.. but he called me yesterday evening as his Corrado VR6 broke down about 2 miles away from his home. He is hoping that its just the fuel pump as he cannot hear the usual fuel pump whirr or anything before he tries to start the car.. and the symptoms of it not starting are typical of fuel not getting to the engine. A local garage owner who came over to help agreed with that diagnosis too so..


So to answer your question.. he probably would have put some figures up last night, but it'll be more likely that they'll posted in the next day or so now :)

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That looks like a top quality day!


Does anybody know who's the charged VR6 Highline Golf with Schrick manifold is and what sort of figures it was putting out? I've been thinking of doing this myself for some time and would love to find out how it goes!!!

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Popped down at lunch to see what was going on, didn't get to say hello to many people as I spent most of the time talking shop etc. with the guys from Stealth. Some nice cars there though!

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A big thanks to Funky and Stealth for a great day. :D :D


Pretty pleased with the result I got - will be interesting to see what happens after I get around to fitting the FMIC.


Also now have a bit of a hole at 5000RPM to try and figure out !?! Gives me something to do !!!

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Yeah it was a great day! Shame I had to much to do back home otherwise I'd have stayed a while longer.


I learnt one thing yesterday - VR6s are VERY tempremental! 2 faulty MAFs and a Faulty Cam position sensor blighted 3 of the car's (mine included) figures but I'm pretty chuffed my car still managed 192hp with a dodgy MAF! Bosch shall be getting that back as it's a new one, grrrrr :evil:


Thanks to funky for setting it up!



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Yep, the faulty cam sensor did for me... still at least it should be a quick and cheap fix. Excellent day though, very impressed with Stealth, sorry I couldn't have stayed longer is all.



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That looks like a top quality day!


Does anybody know who's the charged VR6 Highline Golf with Schrick manifold is and what sort of figures it was putting out? I've been thinking of doing this myself for some time and would love to find out how it goes!!!


Not sure whose Golf it was but sure it did 272bhp, which kept the smile on corradovr6sc's face! - nice one 8) and a good advert for the Z kit. Mine did 256 so they give a good 60-70 over standard. Don't want to sell it now though :(


Just got to suss out where my missing 18 horses are :wink:


Big cheers to funky for putting it all together and also Kev and Steve for leading the way there.

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Just got to suss out where my missing 18 horses are :wink:


Big cheers to funky for putting it all together and also Kev and Steve for leading the way there.


MAF sensor I'll wager! Damn things!


There is a discussion currently on VW Vortex where some chap has discovered that the cheap 2.0 MAFs (Beetles etc) are in fact very similar to the OBD1 VR6 MAF and will work, with perhaps a couple of small changes. I'll see what I can find out but if not that, £150 exchange or £200 new :x



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Sorry to hear that Kev, won't they swap it as its new or have I mised something?!


Cheers Funky for organising a great day and experience!!!


Its a pity the traffic wasn't as good on the way back as it was on the way there though!!! :evil: :twisted:

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