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Temp not showing, overheating..? Intermittent starting.

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Right, just got a corrado again having been away for a few months, pick it up today, no problems.


Get to my mates fine, but notice the temperature gauge isn't moving... Hmmm, but doesn't appear to be overheating...


Next problem, car won't start, when I say won't start here and later I mean it won't even tick over, but it bump starts fine... hmmm


Stop again, car won't start, put it in gear and 'jiggle' it about, starts... hmmm again


Stop for the last time, then just won't start even after more jiggling... leave for half hour, weather dries out, starts fine... ARGH!!!


Go for drive, temp gauge still not moving, but after a while the water temperature warning light comes on, but open the bonnet and doesn't seem too hot... although the fan isn't on, but it was on earlier when I finished driving... It had a new water pump and cam belt before I bought it.


This is confusing and very frustrating..!


Just wondering what you think it is, and what parts I will be needing, in your opinions, to fix it...


To summarise, starting is intermittent and seems to be affected by wetness, and I don't know whether it is overheating or not...


I'm guessing starter motor or distributor for the starting problem, and temp sender for the cooling but I don't know what else if it had a new water pump, or even if it is overheating till I get a new temp sender I guess.


Cheers for any help or advice.



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temp gauge could be a number of things..

could be the sensor, most likely..probabally the first thing to try, GSF do them for around a fiver,

if not could be loose wiring,

failing that could be slightly dodgy clocks!

the warning light is also linked to the water bottle sensor and a dodgy sensor there can cause intermittent flashing


hope this helps!

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Well I've got my mechanic coming to hopefully fix it tomorrow morning, just wanted to give him some clues as to what it could be...


We're going to change the temp sender, thermostat and fan switch, because they're all cheap parts and easy to fit so I might as well change them all, so hopefully that'll be the cooling sorted..!


As for starting, I'm certain its the distributor getting damp, had the exact same problem on my last 'rado so we shall see...


Thanks again for any advice and advice given.



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