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those nice people at elephant have just made me an offer on

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my classic green storm, it had 110k on it and all they offered me was £3000 minus my excess, ffs

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tbh thats not a bad first offer if they're going by the "bibles"...........obviously hold out for more

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i have done just that, told the woman she was having a laugh, they claim thats the guide price

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tbh im surprised they offered that much, insurers guide/book prices are usually always hugely different to enthusiast valuations thats why im always going on to people about how important agreed valuations are and why sometimes its worth paying a little extra to be with a specialist.


In their opinion thats all its worth, same as thats all you would be likely to be offered if you tried to trade the car in at a local vw dealers, remember to a lot of these people its just an 11+ yr old car thats done over 100k, most probably dont even know what a corrado looks like!


All you can do mate is stick to your guns and send them loads of examples of similar spec cars for sale (sometimes hard for something like a storm as there aint that many about!) showing the prices they go for and hope for a better offer.


best of luck



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