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VR6 Basic Settings TPS Values

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It's a live update, doesn't store a table of positions.


At rest it should be around 13-14 and 85-90 at full throttle, which you can test with the ignition and monitoring block 6.

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Alright Kev - this is for Yan as he is testing his...


I don't think it's the angles he needs - more the adaption values just as a guide (I know they will be different car to car) as his seem to change everytime he tests it (which says to me it's knackered!)


Are you going to Inters?

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Ah in that case, what you need to do is place a large pork chop onto the rocker cover and hook VAG-COM into that instead of the OBD port.....


Actually, dunno mate, I didn't think it stored any adaptation values for TPS as there's nothing to adapt..... if it fails, there's only the MAF sensor to rely on for air flow information.


There's not much going on with the TPS mate, just replace it if in doubt. £45 from the pork chop dealers....


Nope, not intering this year, it doesn't interest me in the slightest I'm sorry to say!

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If you mean the fuelling adaptation figures, then yes you *should* set them if you cold reset the ECU (but they will be relearned anyway) and yes you can use them for an indication that the engine it's fuelling right or a sensor is not working.


But the TPS is translated inside the ECU to the measuring block you can read out - and it just reads in degrees (of angle). If you see that when you're not touching the throttle it's reading less than 15 degrees, and as you press the pedal down the value moves smoothly through the range to greater than 90 degrees (at full open throttle), then the TPS is working just fine.


Mine goes from about 13 degrees through to about 92, fwiw.

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I was referering the values in the ECU in block 6 of VAG-COM.


If you disconnect the battery the part throttle and full throttle values = 1, when you have driven the car a bit then a value is assigned to both of those figures which is not 1. I was unable to get those figures to be consistant despite a few test drives and checking my throttle cable tension.

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Ah, so nothing to do with the throttle position sensor then.. :)


They will be adapted to *your* car, not much point in comparing them to anyone elses really (and I can't remember what they are anyway!). The learning process can take some miles, and the values will vary from 0.90 - 1.10 or thereabouts during that time as the ECU responds to instantaneous fuelling differences and so on.

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Ah righto, I thought the values were derived from the TPS, obviously not.


Cant seem to get my WOT much futhur on from the other values, hence why the car feels sluggish at WOT as oppossed to part throttle. This is despite following the guide in the wiki, as far as I can tell from some vag-com logging everything is doing what it should.


Nor can I get the values to be consistant between set-ups, the WOT value is never over 1, so not sure if that is a probem if you think you have a 1.2.

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