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M15 VW

Peanut's New Rado....

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Well, Peanut has finally got another Corrado! Of course he has loads of ideas for it but here are a few pics for you just after we got him home. Everyone, here is "Grommet"....













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Yum yum... Pleased you've finally got another, and looking forward to the 'alterations' over the next few months.


I really like his nipples. I'd have a set of them!

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Looking good! That wasn't the one that bigpants baby had up for sale with the leather recaro's in was it? If so, twas a flipping steal!

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I'd just like to add that the extra aerial on the passenger rear quarter has already been removed! Hmm....could they have picked a more expensive panel to put a fecking aerial in?!Oh yeh, they did.....there was also one just in front of the sunroof, but was removed by the previous owner :lol: (You may now be able to work out where his name came from :lol: )

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Looking good! That wasn't the one that bigpants baby had up for sale with the leather recaro's in was it? If so, twas a flipping steal!


It may well be :D

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Cheers Nikki for putting the pics up, i was busy er...doing my hair.

right , this is my 8th sodding corrado in approx 3 years. If i sell this one someone please just take me out back and shoot me...got a feeling youll need to form an orderly queue behind M15VW though :D

Cheers for all the comments, much appreciated. Its not mint by any stretch of the imagination but its pretty straight and theres no rot. Mechanicals seem pretty good so far. Few little jobs that are on the priority list, (gearbox mount and rocker gasket) but luckily there not expensive and ive got a couple of spare rocker gaskets. Central locking doesnt work off the drivers door but other than that all the electrics work, got a replacement sunroof panel to go on as theres a bit of a ding on the one thats there. Basically all in its pretty sound just needs a bit of fettling. As ever got got lots of ideas but these will come about a lot slower than most of the other projects ive done mainly due to lack of time and of course money.

All in im very happy with it, good to be back behind the wheel of one again.

Jim- aye its Carls one i bought, he sold the recaros to a guy with a mystic storm ( cant remember his name) off the forum.

Cheers again


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Looks pretty good dude, I'm sure it'll be a minter when you've finshed with it, going on your previous work 8) 8)

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didnt think it would be long til u was back in a corrado again.. look forward to seeing what you do to it..

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Looking good mate, and you know only the elite drive aqua blues... ;) :lol:


Looking forward to Grommet getting to meet Miss G sometime soon, aye...!

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no mate, sadly lost a few bits when we moved. Looking for more beige again for this one so if i found owt ill let you know

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ill get some pics tomorrow but came home today to find missus has spent the day cleaning and poilishing the blue rado, looking uber shiny now. Thankyou muchly missus

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