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Water Level

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keeps going down after a few days from max to just under min, but cant see a leak anywhere and the garage floor is dry


took cap off overnight to see if there is a small airlock suking up the juice but i have my doubts


on a good note ive booked a trimmer and sorted a few niggle today so well chuffed, just got the roof that needs sorting now

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Double check right down at the base of the radiator, under the radiator fan switch and along the bottom hose also. I've replaced the radiator twice on my car now thinking it was to blame both times and it now seems that my bottom hose is ballsed. The level drops and the warning light is on most days but it doesn't spill obvious amounts of coolant - you really have to look closely down there to notice that there is moisture. It doesn't drop any onto the garage floor either.


I suppose the other classic G60 places are the flanges on the side and front of the head.. and of course it could always be the dreaded head gasket.


Also - are you running with one of the newer blue type expansion tank caps? If not, you should get one..

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got new caps/header tank got a selection tbf


will check down there tomorrow, its just such a PITA on such a low car might just flip it on the roof for a better view :D


gonna whack that vinyl shit off tomorrow too, im soo bored i just need to work on the car to get away from the dragon lol

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this is what happened shortly before my thermostat housing totally bust and dropped all the coolant.


would be fine sometimes, missing water another?? i think when it was getting hot it would leak or the other way round.


i could see white around the pipe going to the housing

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yeap under pressure it would leak... my water pump done this a few years back


im hoping its not my stat it was only changed last year but we will see, tbh im not fussed i know its not gonna cost much whatever it is and if its the headgasket, gives me a good excuse for a gwerks big head ;)

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