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DSP Corrado and DSP corrado front bumper

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so that first one isnt alex aposegil's Rado with a photochopped bumper that he had done a while ago?


cool. looks good.. :wink:


I posted up the convertible pics a while ago. quite a few actually... its in general car chat. mixed opinions. im not keen.

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If that front bumper is ABS (plastic) and not fibreglass, then I want one! NOW! :lol: It's different without being "In yer face" like some of them are...


I love the roofchop on that 'rado, but I really don't like the extended arches and that square looking front bumper... I'd bet it's been done well though! 8)

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Hello Ben


hows the car coming along???


Nice to see the pic of my car :D


Well DSP has just finshed the front bumper rear bumper and side skirts.


I was thinking of buying them but u need to make the arches two inches wider on the front and 1 inch at the back


Good for people going for a 4x4 coversion lol


but ive decided to go for a different fron bumper ;)

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hello mate


first of all if you look closely at the DSP car ull see the bumpers are alot wider than the standard ones hence ull need to make the arches alot wider on your car for it to look right, here some more pics






































also having wider arches means you can put bigger and wider wheels on the car mean youll have more traction etc as i know you guys build these 4x4 corrado are going to be running alot of power :D

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8) 8) 8) 8) i might be running a small selection of horses under the bonnet.. :D


I've looked into wider arches, and don't get me rough - I want them, but I ask steve @ PVS to give me a quote just for the arches and guess what he said.......are you sitting down....£1k!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If I can find another place that might do it a little cheaper then I will get them done!



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So do I take it that the bumper in the first post doesn't exist then?!? That's the one I want, not the big square one on the topless 'rado... Not my taste at all... :(

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Sorry mate but thats a pic of my car which Jim modifed for me to show to DSP


DSP then built one like and said it wasnt that good so they then built the one thats on their car

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that front bumber and the cabrio looks like it belongs to a snow pllowing machine :lol: how ugly

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Sorry alex,


I was told that DSP were making it!! It looks awesome, why are they not making it!!


Their bumper on their topless corrado looks crap, as LowG said ont he previous post, "it looks like a snow plowing machine!"



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I was about to say!!


That first photo is of Alex's car, and I did that Photoshop!!! :)

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biggerbigben thats cool u dont have to say sorry


as for building that bumper DSP told me they were going to do it but when they did it didnt look right in their opinion hence the "improved" the design and came out with whats been branded as "snow pllowing machine" lol


Hans G60.nl the url is http://www.dsp.fr.st


Hello Jim and yes i stil owe you those two pints :D dont worry i havent forgotten

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