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Excessive fuel consumption

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My 10 mile commute to work is only getting 25mpg (UK). I'd expect 30mpg from past experience of 10 years of being together now. Long distance is down some too.


The plugs are black and there are no ECU error codes logged. The lambda was faulty once before, but it is fine now - 0.95-1.05 on VAG COM when idling. The adaptation values seem to have changed since I remember some years ago. They are now: 0.626, 0.735, 0.891. I tried a new MAF, which got the adaptation values close to 1.0, but the mpg was still the same. The injectors have been overhauled - they were in a bad way - but that has not made a difference to the mpg. The inlet system seems well sealed. The fuel pressure regulator is new.


Any ideas?

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What temperatures are you reading on VAG COM? My guess is that your blue temp sender is on it's way out.

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Thanks for the reply.


The blue sensor was replaced a couple of years ago. With logging on VAG COM today, it warms up beautifully in a sensible ramp from cold to 85C. The lamda readings start changing at 60.

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The problem has been for a while on, yes, my VR6.


Never failed the emissions test. I had hoped the local "expert" garage had found the cause when the injectors were found to be spraying badly, but that has had no effect. The calipers and handbrake are all fine (above freezing anyway :? ) and the tyres have been changed with no effect during this period. The lambda wire broke and made things obviously worse and with the appropriate fault code, which has been since fixed.


I got chased by a new Golf GTi yesterday, who couldn't catch me, so I know the max performance is ok. It's just the around-town economy and gas-guzzling warm-up that seem to be way off.


Only thing I don't know how to check is the fuel pressure. Could that do it?

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