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Wants to cut out when warmish

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only started doing this tonight so im annoyed now :p


after replacing the mysterious flat battery (new battery of a month ago). the car started and ran fine, drove about 20 miles, engine nicely warmed up etc etc, turned car off to go into morrisons, came back to it after maybe 20 mins so engine is just cooling down and started it fine, went to set off, and its pulling at like 500rpm even with accel down it only goes upto 1k. juddering all over then cuts out, started it up again and same again lights are flicking on (cause the engine is pretty much not turning over) so i dipped the clutch and revved it, and it fixed it. now its done this 3 times tonight, havent had chance to let it run totally cold so dunno if it will do it from freezing, but from warm it dont wanna run.


Any ideas people??? - btw i had a search but couldnt find anything relating to it but if someone does then shoot me down! :)



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It could be any number of things- a faulty ignition switch will cause cutting out. Could also be the ISV, MAF etc. Defo worth giving the ISV a clean just in case. Might also be worth checking that the throttle damper/dashpot thingy is in the correct place and damping properly.

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started it up last night from cold, all fine, got it warm, turned it off, fired it up again, absolutly fine. wonder what it can be to be intermittant?


MAF??? possibly can this be intermittant?

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just a though, i changed the battery the night before because the other one was flat and had been flat up a week? could the ecu have reset and just been majourly confused.

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