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Dash Vibration

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Hi all,


Right! This has been happening for a while but before I start ripping my dash apart in a rage I thought I'd post this up to see if anyone has had a similar issue.


I'm getting a highly annoying vibration sound coming from somewhere around the top left hand side of the dash, the noise only occurs when I'm driving so I'm unable do any effective searching and no passenger has been able to find it!


Then only solution I've been able to find is to turn my music up louder!





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you will spend hours looking for this......I know some garages (bad ones) stuff carboard in all sorts of places to 'cure' customer issues with squeeking and noises.....not that I'm saying you should do this by the way.


Still cant find where a squeek is coming from my old mans brand new GTV (now 7 years old), he just turns the music up now like you said !!!

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i hope you find a solution to the problem..i HATE mysterious rattles/squeeks, they do my head in, and as you said, you can only ask a passenger so many times before they get pi££ed off!

Have got a squeeking and a rattling both coming from the rear of my car and i cant work out what is causing either!!

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the only things that are there are the glovebox, the speakers on the top of the dash, the vent ducting for the heater vents, the vents themselves and the fan/fancowling/ducting.


there's always the dash mountings themselves too - think there are a couple of bolts accessible on the side of the dash after you take the passenger undertray thingy out, unsure about elsewhere.


your best bet is systematically removing all the above (dash excluded!) and finding which cures the rattle - very frustrating and time consuming, but possibly your only sure solution?


hope you manage to get it sorted anyhow!

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Cheers pete, will do that. the annoying thing is that it doesn't do it all the time... could very well be locate near the under tray thimmy as i have poked around in there a few times

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Mine does this. Very annoying. My bro's problem was the surround for the gear lever. Mines from the fans me thinks so might have to remove and see

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