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Mikey D

Fitting air con.

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Hi all,


Im looking at moving to australia and taking my corrado with me. But if im going to take it i want to fit air con to it.


My car is a '93 2.0 16v with an ABF engine installed. Does anyone have any idea what i need to do to fit it and what parts i need.





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Hi mate, if i were you i'd get it done out here, Australian customs are funny about cars with A/C and you'll probably have to have it de-gased.

There are plenty of A/C specialists here too, so installing it shouldn't be too hard, but as for parts i'm not too sure about the 16V. maybe some of the Valvers in hotter parts of Europe were fitted with it, and you could get a list off a VW dealer for them?


Good luck, would be good to have another Corrado over here!

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Im moving to NSW well sydney to be exact how many corrados are in oz? Ive heard there is only a hand full.





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