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Key won't turn ignition

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Had a minor nightmare today. Popped into the garage to fill up, went to drive away and the ignition would not turn (as if I was using a wrong key) Took the key out and tried again only for the steering lock to activate. Could not get it to turn with moderate force and gave up after about 10 mins. Rang the missus to come and get me and gave it a few more last gasp tries and it turned.


Once I got home, I tried the ignition several times and it worked without a hitch. I kinda remember it being stiff about a week ago.


Is this a problem anyone else has had, do you think some WD40 would do any harm?

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i had this problem too, randomally happened and i was stuck at work.


i swapped to my spare key and never had a problem since, maybe they wear down. my ignition felt better with a new key

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WD40 is the answer as the key mech drys out, I used it for the same problem about 6months ago and it cured it but I still carry a can in the car incase. You only need a tiny bit and then move your key in and out a lot but leave a min or two before trying as I guess there is a small fire risk from the solvent. If you want to play it safe change the ignition (i've not bothered) 8)

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Help! :(


My key just stuck in the ignition when I arrived at work. I can turn it a little bit, enough for fans etc to work (pos 1) but thats it. I can't turn it back enough to get it out.


I've sprayed a load of wd40 on it in a hope it is a sticky mech again, any one got any other ideas?




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Help! :(


My key just stuck in the ignition when I arrived at work. I can turn it a little bit, enough for fans etc to work (pos 1) but thats it. I can't turn it back enough to get it out.


I've sprayed a load of wd40 on it in a hope it is a sticky mech again, any one got any other ideas?




Its not the steering lock is it, waggle the steering (take the weight off the steering) and try again.

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steering wheel turns though so the steerng lock can't be on. I had noticed that occasionally the ignition barrel was sticking in when you remove the key so I bet something has seized. I deciding what to replace. Barrel for sure, suppose the switch at the same time but don't know if it is easier to change casing or not.


Also have to work out how I am going to get the car moved, AA job perhaps.

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After a lot of wiggling, banging, swearing, googling and wd40 the key came out, sprayed a load of Teflon lube in for more wiggling action afterwards. Seems to turn quite smoothly but a slight notch just before it's turn all the way off. Will try spare key tomorrow. Will make plan to replace barrel.

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