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What to do with my c :~

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Hi all,


After doing my install (http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... 17&t=78293) and being excited to see it on the rolling road at Storm it all went a bit pear shaped.


First couple of runs on the rolling road the bhp was well below what it should have been so the guys then did a compression test and cylinder 6 was way off. So my engine basically needs replacing/rebuilding and it looks like my choices are:


1. Get the engine rebuilt (£2000)

2. Go for the R32 (although looks like engines are hard to find these days) (£5000)

3. Sell the car and move on (who the £$%^ is going to buy a car with a dud engine)


(any of the above before summer so I have something to drive)


So after getting back from Storm I ripped out (just imagine parts flying everywhere) and sold the charger asap.


To make matters worse the car now doesn't start (fueling/immobiliser problem) and I had MOT/Road Tax due yesterday (car is parked on the road as I don't have a driveway).


So basically I'm fed up and not quite sure what to do. If anyone has any thoughts/advice or there is a blindingly obvious solution I've missed then please let me know!




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Gotta say i think your pricing is WAY over what it would cost if you did it yourself.


I've just rebuilt my VR engine for around the £700 mark (have lost count and darn't add it all up) but thats alot less than £2k


I also have an R32 engine which is for sale for £1300 in the parts for sale section, on top of this you would need a conversion manifold (£400), an oil cooler (£200), wiring converted (dependant on who does it £250-£1500) and some pipes converting and then dependant on how far into the conversion and how much money you want to splash out you could probably get it done for £2.5k and have change left over.


Selling a car with a dud engine just isn't a good idea, you will lose loads of money. worst case and cheapest option would be to just buy another VR and chuck it in, you could probably pick up a replacement for £400.

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i have a spare vr engine that was running strong before i ripped it out to go r32, you can have it with 'box for £400 or on its own for £300 if its any use to you? car had done 122k, fsh, i havent replaced the chains and tensioners but it certainly seemd like a good engin, i put 17k on her in 2 years and the only issue was a new set of ht leads and inlet temp sensor. The engine is out and available asap so that could be a v cheap way to get running again?

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i have a spare vr engine that was running strong before i ripped it out to go r32, you can have it with 'box for £400 or on its own for £300 if its any use to you? car had done 122k, fsh, i havent replaced the chains and tensioners but it certainly seemd like a good engin, i put 17k on her in 2 years and the only issue was a new set of ht leads and inlet temp sensor. The engine is out and available asap so that could be a v cheap way to get running again?


Hey mate, where abouts are you? I'd have the engine for a short term solution....

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ok, i'm in bedford, where abouts are you? I'm around in the eves this week apart from wednesday and the weekend up till midday saturday till monday as i'm going away for the weekend

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i'm in london so will need to organize a van and crane from somewhere. Might take me a couple of weeks!

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Gotta say i think your pricing is WAY over what it would cost if you did it yourself.


I've just rebuilt my VR engine for around the £700 mark (have lost count and darn't add it all up) but thats alot less than £2k


I also have an R32 engine which is for sale for £1300 in the parts for sale section, on top of this you would need a conversion manifold (£400), an oil cooler (£200), wiring converted (dependant on who does it £250-£1500) and some pipes converting and then dependant on how far into the conversion and how much money you want to splash out you could probably get it done for £2.5k and have change left over.


Selling a car with a dud engine just isn't a good idea, you will lose loads of money. worst case and cheapest option would be to just buy another VR and chuck it in, you could probably pick up a replacement for £400.


Think Im at the stage now where I just want a car that works with as little work as possible. How hard is it to do an engine swap on a vr (standard engine)? I've heard it's a bit of a pain gettig it out

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i have a crane this end to put it into the your vehicle, if you have a large estate/4x4 at your disposal then you can fit in the back of there, or a pick up... just not in the back of a corrado :wink:


i think you can hire them, or it might be worth putting a wanted post up to borrow a crane off someone in london nearby for beer tokens maybe?


just give me a pm when your ready to sort it out and i'll send you my details






o and its really not that hard, it takes an hour or so to take the front end off then i found the exhaust manifold bolts the biggest pain but they came off, then its just a case of disconecting the driveshafts from their gearbox flanges, undoing the rear mounts, ensuring all waterway/fuel lines/oilways have been removed and blocked off to minimise leaks then lifting it out, takes a few hours but easily done in a weekend!

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Hi Andy,


Sorry for messing you about but have decided to put the car into storage for a few months while I decide what to do with it as I'm having trouble making a decision at the moment!


cheers for the offer though.




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