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my borbet c's ...

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should i ...


get them refurbed?

get them polished?

get them refurbed and sprayed satin black?


i want to change some of the styling this year including new bumpers and lights but i thought i'd start with the wheels.

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nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....... not black.... :pukeright:


Standard refurb.... Go for the classy and stylish look, not the ricer black look...


I have no idea what they'd look like polished though... Could be interesting... :?

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nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....... not black.... :pukeright:


Standard refurb.... Go for the classy and stylish look, not the ricer black look...


What are you trying to say Henny? (pic to follow so everyone knows what I mean.)


Gavin :lol:

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I'm with Henny on this. Go for a bright finish, balck makes the wheels look far to small. You could paint them and put a diamond cut edge on them. Might be interesting.

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I've seen some Borbet Cs with the inner edges of the spokes powder coated black. The outer surfaces were kept silver and that did look very very cool, especially from a 45 degree angle. Makes them look a little bigger too.



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I've seen some Borbet Cs with the inner edges of the spokes powder coated black. The outer surfaces were kept silver and that did look very very cool, especially from a 45 degree angle. Makes them look a little bigger too.




that sounds interesting ....


decisions decisions :(

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nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....... not black.... :pukeright:


Standard refurb.... Go for the classy and stylish look, not the ricer black look...


What are you trying to say Henny? (pic to follow so everyone knows what I mean.)


Gavin :lol:


pics?? :wink:

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I'd do the spokes in graphite grey/black & do the outer rims edge in a silver or simliar shade maybe? best to get some side pics of the car & play with photoshop to see different colours & what suit the car etc.. 8)

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Black wheels - :pukeleft:

Split wheels - 8)


I like the idea of doing the C's faces silver and the edges in a darker colour though, that could look really good... :)


Of course, this is my own opinion only... :p

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That is a lovely MK2! Definitely best on the splits....arguably the best rim ever for a MK2?! Just makes the car look soooo classy and strangley enough, more modern - with an old skool tinge!


Not sure on the black wheels, they don't suit it imo.



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Kev, it's not as lovely looking in the flesh. It has plenty of rust requiring attention. As I am not a showy kind of person, I will be waiting for it to rust through and then I'll reshell it. Much easier!


My mate bought those splits at inters last year for a song. I only fitted them to show them off at the club meeting and sell them. Made a tidy profit which more than covered the trip to inters.


The steelies came with the car. I had them painted nearly 3 years ago but had to reduce the tyres on my Borbet Cs to cords before fitting them.


It looks a lot nicer when cleaned up or in the dark! :lol:





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They were widened RMs. We gto them within 2 minutes of getting there on the saturday morning. The fella had a Monza Blue 16V and was parked 2 cars up from us. Good money at 350


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Gav you're too modest, looks great from where I'm sitting :lol: That's the thing with VWs though, they take ages to rot through and then wear it well when it does!!


Are the black ones the rare 15" steelies (of that particular style)? Good winter wheels!


Perhaps Supercharged should consider the widened RMs as his have already been modified to split rim spec, but of the standard width. Do you know how much it would cost to stick some widened outer rims on?



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somehow managed to attach a pic of my son playing football to my last post :oops: does anyone have photoshop to change the wheels ?? pic in my prev post

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