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DOUGS 24V STORM-R - rear cage possibly?

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I got the 'CCU' box wired up to the engine last night and the difference is instantly noticeable. with it turned off the engine revs as normal and very linearly however with the cam control turned on (with low settings so I could toggle the advance on without drivng the car) it would rev normally up to the point the cam gets triggered then the neadle whips around as the engine revs alot more freely! cool.


So I think this bodes well for the end result. I didn't get around to wiring up the varable inlet tonight as its gettting dark too quick ( and, it was a little cold :camp: ) So I will get that done tomorrow.


Oh, and I booked it in to Stealth for next Friday so we'll finally get to see if all this work and effort actually pays off!!! gulp. I'd rather not end this thread with one of these :epicfail: lol

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I got the 'CCU' box wired up to the engine last night and the difference is instantly noticeable. with it turned off the engine revs as normal and very linearly however with the cam control turned on (with low settings so I could toggle the advance on without drivng the car) it would rev normally up to the point the cam gets triggered then the neadle whips around as the engine revs alot more freely! cool.


So I think this bodes well for the end result. I didn't get around to wiring up the varable inlet tonight as its gettting dark too quick ( and, it was a little cold :camp: ) So I will get that done tomorrow.


Oh, and I booked it in to Stealth for next Friday so we'll finally get to see if all this work and effort actually pays off!!! gulp. I'd rather not end this thread with one of these :epicfail: lol



I highly doubt that. Epic yes. Fail, no.


This is an amazing build, full credit to you Doug, it should be awesome when finished. 8)

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Spent most of this weekend getting the car back together so its respectable for its remap on friday.. got the complete headling , a b c pillars etc in, drivers door sound deadened and built up, a few more parts of the dash went in, glove box etc and then the seats in.




Still a way to go yet but its getting there...

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the seats go so well with the dash - the whole interior package you've done from the carpets to the headlining looks the absolute business. i really like where you're taking the car here Doug - top work and good taste 8)

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I Was just going to say the same as pete, the seats only work so well because of the dash. Brilliant and genius.

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Bummer, looks as though I have a oil pressure problem. :p i took it for a little shake down drive and when i pulled into the drive i could just about hear a faint knock from the bottom end. Engine off, sump off and inspected the bearings....


Weird thing is bearings 1 and 6 are starting to show wear, bearings 2,3,4,5 all look like brand new still. very strange.


As such I have had to cancel my RR remap this friday :( Its really annoyed me as I sooo want to know what the enigne will do but I also want it all perfect so.... new pump and some new shells will arrive tomorrow. along with a oil pressure test kit so I can find the problem.


Speaking with Stealth when I called to cancel my appointment he said that the pressure release valves in the pumps are known to go up the shoot and often happens at revs rather than at idle so could be a blessing in disguise that I have caught it now! (if thats what it is!?)


Just seams strange its only cylinders 1 and 6 that are affected? Does anyone have a schematic of the oil pathways in a VR6 engine, as I would like to know where everything is going etc? Or has anyone ever had any bearing, oil pressure related problems/ symptoms etc..??


The other thing is I was toying with the idea of learning and tuning it myself...but thought for speed I'd just give it to stealth, as it happens this weekend a friend dropped off a reader/writer/emulator....... and the reluctance of my car to go and get tuned is making me think it wants ME to do it!? lol

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that's crap luck - sorry to hear that Doug.


my guess on the oil galleries would be that the pump feed goes straight up to the filter housing (as on most cars) and then the oil galleries go from the centre (i.e from the oil filter) out to either end of the engine, which would explain the initial signs of wear on the outermost bearings (not too much i take it...) - top man for catching it this early as well :D


i can't say for certain as i know nothing about any previous issues on the subject, but that would be my guess.


any progress on the car anywhere else pal?


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Thanks Pete that was my thinking to but its impossible it seems to find a schematic of the engine to see the route everything takes!


Things aren't so great... I got home today and figured that if there was limited oil getting to the rod bearings there was a good chance the crank main earings were at risk. Ture enough all these are worn to. arse. It a bit of a sh!te mood with it all at the moment - I cant beleive I was sooo close to getting confirmation that everything I had done to get it running on the VR6 Ecu was ok and it needs taking out, totally stripping down, cleaning etc etc etc rebuilding etc etc ... I just wish I started with fully built up engine that I knew the history of.


however.... I've done this stuff enough times to know that you have to go through some low (sometimes very low) points to get the project done so theres no point getting too upset about things (it is after all only an engine and a car) so I'm going to take a few months off pushing to get it finished and concentrate on different things - non car related but more work related and use the frustration of the car stuff to fuel progress on them. perseverance is the name of the game.


I will keep things updated but dont expect lots of progress too soon

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sorry to hear that for you pal :(


guess the only way to look at it is that you will know 100% that you have a good engine after all this.


do you recon the engine was like that before you bought it - bit crap if that's the case...


how is the crank itself - any marks? even if there are marks i guess seeing as you've caught it early you'll probably get away with just a polish

i've never seen a vr crank in the flesh but they are weird looking things - only a few people across the whole country that can properly balance them etc so i'm told (might be worth invesigating seeing as you're taking it out...)

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bad luck there mate, you dont deserve that!! but at least you can sort it, it will be worth the wait im sure 8)

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crank looked fine, but while its out, like you say, i'll get it look at and checked also going to get the block professionally cleaned.


Another plus side is that i found out before the 400 pound remap!

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LOL yeah cheers guys.


it was funny last night when I read that last post, I looked at the cat and she just bolted - maybe they really do have a 6th sence!?


Going to get the garage squared up at the weekend, get the car in and engine out. then proceed as and when I feel like it

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We're back!


Had a few months to cool off and get some other non car stuff finished So work on the corrado can begin again.

One thing I have set up in the time off the car, which may be of interest to some people on here, is my new company 'Capture Point'. I can now offer 3D scanning services. This, up to now, has been a hugely expensive thing to get done and well out of reach of 'home engineering' however I'm offering it at much more sensible prices. Please see below:


http://s289.photobucket.com/albums/ll21 ... -POINT.jpg


Here's a quick vid of a Corrado VR6 front hub assembly


[youtube:1bo41cbp] [/youtube:1bo41cbp]


Or full size Corrado scan.... (low quality, sent from iphone)


[youtube:1bo41cbp] [/youtube:1bo41cbp]


I'll post some high res pics to if anyone is interested...?


Yesterday I eased myself back into working on the car by clearing some space in the garage and also managed to trim one of the last parts of the headlining. By the end of the week I will have the engine out and crank ready to be sent out for checking. Then hopefully the engine can be built up for the last time!!!! Target for 100% finished car including new paint is Worthersee next year!

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I'm interested in the scan of your front hub! A guy on here wants me to do make a pair of caliper carriers and that would really help me! Where i'm working at the moment (Jankel Armouring) they could really do with someone to do the scanning of chassis, body panels etc, are you mobile?


PS, what file does it come in as, iges, step or is it surfaces?

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Hi Kip. Yep totally mobile! I haven't quit the day job yet so doing jobs during work hours is a little tricky, although if its worth it I will take the day as holiday. Other than that I'm more than happy to do work out of hours and even over night. If the items not too big I happy to be sent objects in the post, scan and return.


I can provide it in any format you like. native output is stl or asc (point cloud) which is good for most uses although the file size can quickly go nuts! further post processing means I can output 'automated' surface model (ready little extra £) or I can create surfaces patches (read £) or you can go the whole hog and go for 'A' class curvature matched surface model (read £££ and time!) for perfect body panels but only really needed by OEMs.

We can work together to get the detail you need at the best cost and time. Unless its a massive model, stl's can generally be supplied 'next day'


Igs, step, stl etc all available.


If you get me some good work, the hub is yours!

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Cool, you might be getting a call sometime, may or may not be soon though depending on the direction the company take... :D Basically they strip a vehicle down, to the chassis and bulkhead, then rebuild it with pressed/laser cut armoured panels, it would often help if the bits coming off and the chassis were scanned first.

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nice one. well, let me know if anything come up. in the mean time if theres anything you need I sure we can sort something out for 'beer tokens'



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Small update, I managed to motivate myself to get the engine out and in the garage the other day (Brrr) so last week I starte to investigate the cause and exstent of the bearing wear. As it turns out to strip it down and get everything cleaned etc plus buy all the new parts it would need would cost more than buying another 2.8 24v engine so I have made the decision to cut my losses with the 2.8 and get straight on with the R32.


Theres a few things I will have to design and make again to make it work but the effort that involves is much less than perservering with the 2.8.


I should get some time this weekend so I'm aiming at getting the R32 in the Engine bay.... watch this space... lol

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