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Smashed Winscreen - Further Update Avoid Autowindscreens

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Well 2011 for the Silver Valver started very badly....


Some rotten tw*t put a brick through my windscreen last night completely destroying it and putting a couple of dents in the bonnet as an added bonus. Nice policeman turned up (vw nut who does Section5.net) but little to no chance of catching the person(s) responsible.


Anyway I have rang insurance who are closed (B/Hol) and also Autoglass who have quoted me £660 to replace the screen and although I have cover on my insurance (£60 excess), I have to pay in full because the policy is limited to a maximum of £500 then have to claim back off insurance company.


I wondered if anyone has used another glass company in the north east coast area who got a better price than the £660 I have been quoted. Would prefer not to use Autoglass anyway as they took three goes to put the current screen in a couple of years ago.


Any help/advice would be appreciated.


Update - rang insurance this morning who have said they no longer use Autoglass for windscreens - no wonder - but now use a company called Auto Windscreens directly and transferred me through. Told me I had to use their supplier or they may not cover the costs. Never heard of them but they are due out next Tuesday (earliest available appointment).


UPDATE X2 Severely pi$$ed off. Autowindscreens have now cancelled three appointments (on the day they are due to turn up), and following a complaint to the insurance company they have now arranged for National Windsceens to turn up to do the job.


Will wait to see if they can fit the screen tomorrow as promissed - watch this space.


Now fitted 5/2



Edited by mikecobra427

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Ah man, sorry cant help with the glass supplier but know how you're feeling. We had the car keyed on Wednesday night whilst on holiday, its not pleasant, these random acts of vandalism really get to you. Hope you get it sorted ok.

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Ah man, sorry cant help with the glass supplier but know how you're feeling. We had the car keyed on Wednesday night whilst on holiday, its not pleasant, these random acts of vandalism really get to you. Hope you get it sorted ok.


Thanks for the reply and sorry to hear about the keying incident. I feel like kicking the cat but we havn't even got one :? Trying to stop myself from getting too angry about it. As well as the money its going to cost, I use the car as my daily driver so going to have to sort other transport for work. Just because someone was too drunk/angry/jealous


I'm with Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction:


Vincent: 'What's more chickensh*t than f*cking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't f*ck with another man's vehicle'.


Lance: 'They should be f*cking killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution'.

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Ah man, sorry cant help with the glass supplier but know how you're feeling. We had the car keyed on Wednesday night whilst on holiday, its not pleasant, these random acts of vandalism really get to you. Hope you get it sorted ok.


Thanks for the reply and sorry to hear about the keying incident. I feel like kicking the cat but we havn't even got one :? Trying to stop myself from getting too angry about it. As well as the money its going to cost, I use the car as my daily driver so going to have to sort other transport for work. Just because someone was too drunk/angry/jealous


I'm with Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction:


Vincent: 'What's more chickensh*t than f*cking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't f*ck with another man's vehicle'.


Lance: 'They should be f*cking killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution'.

Try bad boy Higgins in for sale section he breaks loads of raddos and from memory was selling a screen for £70. Normally he is quite expensive but that does not sound to bad, pete



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Shouldn't be a problem claiming off insurance mate, i've had 5 windscreens now fitted to various Corrado's and it was never a problem.


Phone around from yellow pages and ask a few fitters as my insurance recomended auto glass too but i wanted to go to a chap i know who worked for RAC windscreens, so i took in the insurance paperwork to them and it was all sorted and booked in a day later. :?

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Big thanks for all the replies - do not really want to go down the second hand route for a screen if I can avoid it. My understanding is that claiming for screen does not effect my claims bonus and will only cost the £60 excess?


Have rang National Windscreens who have a branch in Hartlepool and they have quoted me £373.82 all in which is a bit more like it. So looks like I will be going with them - unfortunately they said they need to check with insurance company before going ahead unless I pay up front. Unfortunately christmas has left me completely potless.


I will have to pull out the money for the repairs to the bonnet as well but that will have to wait. :sad:


Any ideas why the amounts from two national companies would differ so much? Autoglass £660 -- National Windscreens £373. :shrug: I hope this is not a reflection of the workmanship because Autoglass were bad enough!

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My dad recently had to get a new windscreen on his Merc estate. Booked National to come and do it and they kept delaying him.. days turned into weeks and he eventually told them to shove it. Phoned up Autoglass - "No problem sir - screen is in stock. We can come and do it tomorrow." - and they did, and the service was excellent.


I guess there is an element of you get what you pay for!

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God knows why such cost difference :/ My man at RAC actually got hold of a genuine VW one too fully etched with the VW logo so was very happy, may take a while to get a good screen and make sure it does not have one of those hideous sun screens that go 1/4 way down the screen too.


Good Luck buddy!


Also may be worth checking the body work underneath the screen as if its rotten it needs sorting pronto and as its going into the body shop may be worth getting that done too.

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yeah they have both asked me if it has the sunsreen so hopefully will be the correct one (wihtout) - would doubt for £380 ish it will be genuine vw item but website says meets all bs/ec regs so should be ok.


Has anyone had a screen replaced by a dealer lately? Surely a dealer could sort out new screen for in the region of the £500 limit of insurance? Just a thought.

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My dad recently had to get a new windscreen on his Merc estate. Booked National to come and do it and they kept delaying him.. days turned into weeks and he eventually told them to shove it. Phoned up Autoglass - "No problem sir - screen is in stock. We can come and do it tomorrow." - and they did, and the service was excellent.


I guess there is an element of you get what you pay for!


I agree to a point but also had really poor service from Autoglass in the past (took over a month and three goes to get it right last time) - I guess you have to get the right guy at the right time who can be arsed to do the job right in the first place.


PS, as National have a depot in my home town, I am hoping there should be no delay?

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Very true. I think it does ultimately come down to the chap fitting the thing :(

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Sorry to hear of your troubles (and SamG40's too).


Getting it done local and at the right price sounds like the easy option but I would check whether the person scheduled to do the job has done many Corrados before... and if they are happy about doing another!

Someone with no experiance of a Corrado screen or not really wanting to do the job could mean future trouble.


But none if it will be easy to get sorted when you need the car fixed asap. Good luck with everything.

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Hi Mike sorry to hear this has happened.


I had a windscreen done a few years back and it was through autoglass and they had to come back a couple of times to sort leaks but I fixed it myself in the end. So think as Butterfly says make sure the person scheduled to do the job has experience in doing them.


I also took the a pillars off before they got there as I had one done in my valver many moons ago and the person that done that cut into the a pillar trims and ruined them and was not keen to replace them as they found out the cost from VW.


Sorry cant help further but sure your insurance could clarify it tomorrow for you.

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hope you get this sorted, autoglass.....mmm ...three times to get mine right :sad: .the first guy who did it fitted a standard flexy trim :shock: .may as well have put sellotape round it for all the good that would be .

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That's not right, a genuine screen plus all the bits is less than 300 quid, one to two hours labour on top, maybe more like two on yours as it's so badly damaged.

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is there ant forum members that are windscreen fitters? at least you know youd prob get looked after and get a decent job done, ive seen/experienced some bad fitters out there!

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Will speak to insurance tomorrow - managed to borrow my g/f's MG ZR :camp: for a few days until I get it sorted as its likely going to the weekend before I can get it replaced. At least the petrol consumption should be a bit better than I've been getting in the valver. :)


Thanks again for all the replies and concern. With all the trouble a lot of people (myself included), have had with corrado windscreen fitters its likely this is only the start of my problems particularly given the dents in the bonnet.


Anyway on a lighter or darker whichever way you look at it note, as the g/f's mam said to me: 'I hope all their dangly bits fall off'. :lol:


PS, my daughter has just rang to say a van round the corner from her (about half a mile from our house), also had a brick put through the windscreen last night and had the tyres slashed so maybe I should count myself lucky?

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Ouch, lucky indeed.

Have you mentioned the damage to the police as it sounds like there is a nutter out there that they need to be aware of to keep an eye out for.

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Is it the weather or something!!!


Found out today a lass at work had 2 of her tyres slashed and a lad had all 4 of his tyres slashed (though i dont know if he's upset someone).

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Mike just thought are you registered on durham dubs?


As Chewy did work as a windscreen fitter he may still cause he offered one for my caddy a while back.


If you not registered worth doing just for a try.


Sorry should have said yesterday but only just thought about it

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Yeah I am registered on Durham Dubs (same name), but the Insurance Co. have said I have to use one of their registered fitters anyway. It is now booked in but earliest date to do it is next Tuesday. Anyway gonna make sure I keep a close eye out when it is being fitted and if it is no good it will have to be done again. As I said earlier it took Autoglass three times so maybe Auto Windscreens can cut it down to two or maybe even one??

Looked on t'internet and it seems Auto Windscreens might be RAC company and a few people have recommended them as being good fitters but only time will tell.


Cheers again for all the replies.

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hi mikecobra427

try to help auto windscreens was RAC auto windscreens in and have big management problems.

get your local yellow pages out and phone around and find a old school fitter as the young ones don't now.

look at my commets: Windscreen fitter SORTED 7/9/10

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hi mikecobra427

try to help auto windscreens was RAC auto windscreens in and have big management problems.

get your local yellow pages out and phone around and find a old school fitter as the young ones don't now.

look at my commets: Windscreen fitter SORTED 7/9/10



Well I wen't off it with both Autowindscreens and my insurance company for using such a bunch of amateurs and low and behold, they (Insurance), arranged for National Winsdsceens (who by the way had said on 3/1/11 they could fit the screen the following day for if I remember about £380), to carry out the work.


How long did you have to wait? I hear you say.


Insurance company rang me back at about 11:30am on Friday 4/2 - National Windscreens turned up at about 8:30am Saturday 5/2 and fitted the screen. I might add there is a small issue with the top part of the outer trim not sitting down properly but the screen itself looks to be in the right positon and they have said they will sort trim if necessary.


Also Autowindscreens have now rang today to say they are working out how much compensation I will be given for the 'atrocious' service provided.



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