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imported corrado insurance

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hi there,


Im currently looking for a corrado and im keen on going over to germany and getting myself a left hand drive baby, any clues on a good import insurance company, ive tried adrian flux and its a faire price but id like to find a few more before getting my plane ticket

many thanks

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Try HIC (adverts in every The Golf and PVW issue). They do reasonable quotes (unfortunately now only do classic car insurance on cars older than 15 years, fine for my 2 Roccos, though 8) ).


Direct Line will even do LHD imports !! My Mk1 used to be with them just after I had imported the Mk1 (then switched to HIC). My Rado is with them (until I've found something better that is ...).



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My LHD Corrado is insured with Admiral... LHD made no difference to the quote....


Not sure how to go about getting insurance for the process of importing it though

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cheers guys,

just wondered if any of u guys new how much it is to register one over here and what sort of things u have to do top drive it over here, did u guys bring yours over or buy them here

many thanks


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I bought mine over here...was in imported in '98....


However..I got this from http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topi ... rt+germany off pistonheads..


""Importing a car from germany is a straight forward business:


1. Buy the car and tell the owner/dealer it is for export

2. Take the car and the Fahrzeugbrief (V5 in English) to the local Rathaus (Local Council), where you will have it de-registered from the German register.

3. Go to an ADAC office (German AA or RAC equivalent broadly speaking) where you buy your export insurance. It works around EUR160 per month (the more you buy the cheaper it is, but it is 3d party only!)

4. Go back to the Rathaus with the insurance papers. You will be issued a temporary registration document with your name and address and vehicle VIN number. You will also be given your temporary registration.

5. Go across the street and buy your number plates, which will have a red stripe with the validity on the right hand side.

6. Drive back to the UK

7. Get an MOT from a "friendly" garage on the VIN number

8. Get insurance from any company that will do LHD/performance cars on the VIN number

9. Go to your local DVLA office with the original Fahrzeugbrief, your temporary document, UK MOT and UK Insurance

10. Pay £25 one off registration fee, your £160 quid in road tax and get your number plates made.

11. Press hard on the Loud Pedal! You have just Imported your car in Britain! ""

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Thinking about this a bit more.. the above is bloody useful for anyone wanting to import a car... mods, is there anywhere we can put this thread where it won't get lost?

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Well the thread won't get lost but I don't think it's useful to *enough* members to be worth stickying.


I'm not saying it's not useful - just to a small number of people, that's all. All you have to do is search for "import" or "importing" and there won't be all that many results.

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I imported a Polo G40 Genesis back from Germany last year. Quite a simple process, quite easy to get a LHD import insured by a company over here, but very few will only insure you once the car is back in the UK and registered on

UK plates. I'm insured with the Norwich Union on that car, they were quite reasonable with the quote and insured me on the german plates back to the UK. If the German owner has not transfer there number onto another car it is possible to drive it back on the original german plates without the need to get tempery german import plates. The number is then deregistered automatically when you register it onto UK plates. I drove about on german plates for 3 months until my insurence company sent me a letter telling me 'it might be a idea to register your import' so I did. UK MOT, german V5 equiverlant (green slip), insurence for tax purposes, £25 registration fee andeither 6 or 12 months road fund is all that is needed to get the car regitered on UK plates.

Clairify with the insurer that it is a German import, but it is a model avaliable in the UK and none of the body panels etc differ from the equiverlant UK spec model. I pay £80 more than a UK spec G40.

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I don't think HIC have a website (at least, I've never managed to find it if they have! :roll: )


You can phone 'em on 01279 506090 though... 8)

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