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So a Nova tried it on tonight...

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Took the car for a quick drive tonight, and I come to a little 60MPH dual carriage way.. but leading up to that I had been following this nasty looking Vauxhall Nova.


So he spots me and decides i'm worth racing... going from a nice steady speed up to the limit pretty quickly, and flying through some twisty corners. But horror of horrors the car is not warmed up yet.. but i'm so desperate not to let Nova boy think he has done me.


So showing just how much difference in power there is, I was able to sail past this Nova that sounded like it was on full bore... and I didn't use full throttle OR go above 3000RPM!! :D :D :lol:


I slowed down then and he promptly undertook me at about 70MPH and went racing off up another road.

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Jim lol i didnt think u was the type,,,,but hey nuff respect u prob wasted as much fuel as his cars worth but all good fun

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Well i'm ashamed of you Jim i never lower myself to duels with Nova's :wink: :D


It's not like he had to try very hard though ;)


Though 'lol'.

I enjoy taking on Porsches, anything Jap and stuff. Sod the Nova's - they ain't worth a squirt.

And fellow VR6s. As Mr. Modified VR6 Golf will confirm with me doing 145+ down the M1 ;) (I won, easily)

*cough* Road was closed for my personal testing, of course... Was part of a TV show, erm, yeah, that's it.... *cough* :oops:

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Indeed - thats kinda why I posted. I wasn't chuffed to have of beaten him.. just stunned that he decided to try it on, and was consequently pleased at without even trying I managed to just glide past him.. just really reminded me of the power difference you know?

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just really reminded me of the power difference you know?


You should go looking for some Saxo's next Jim... :)


just to remind yourself of the difference

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Already done one :) Though not sure whether it was VTR or VTS as he had aftermarket wheels on it... needless to say in the sweeping corner it was a bit tough (naff tyres, too much power, understeer) but when I hit a straight he got left behind as you would expect.


I think VTS as there is no way that a VTR would have kept up as well as he did.

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Isn't it embarrasing when you find yourself in a punchy mood in the corrado and end up making a t!t out of yourself by racing something really naff. I mistook a Corsa SXi (all 1.2 litres of it!) for a 1.8 SRi the other day and raced it- bit of a mismatch really :oops: :oops:

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He he- I know Novas aren't really worth the bother, but sometimes you just have to do it :lol: Nice one Jim!


Really annoying though when someone's trying it on and the car's cold :mad:

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In my old 2.0 Cavalier I took on a Saxo VTR on an uphill stretch of the M25 once Jim.. I didn't bother to change down from 5th, so I was spooling along at 2600rpm when I heard this screaming buzzing noise alongside, trying to overtake. Gentle squeeze of the throttle and he's no longer gaining on me. At about 100 I was drifting off ahead of him, watching him fume... I think I might have made it to 4000rpm..

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Saxo VTR's are good for little races off the lights, and little sprints... top end on the motorway is definately not a strength.


Though believe it or not it will make it to 120MPH with more to spare! Pretty sure my car never sounded the same after doing that once though...

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In my old 2.0 Cavalier I took on a Saxo VTR on an uphill stretch of the M25 once Jim.. I didn't bother to change down from 5th, so I was spooling along at 2600rpm when I heard this screaming buzzing noise alongside, trying to overtake. Gentle squeeze of the throttle and he's no longer gaining on me. At about 100 I was drifting off ahead of him, watching him fume... I think I might have made it to 4000rpm..


Being done by a Cavalier is the ultimate humiliation!

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... AND the cavalier had everything electric and comfy seats, and was only the 115bhp 8v engine...


BTW - are you off to Stealth in the morning, Kev?

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