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Baz, some good feedback buddy.


As Jim say's we need to know from folk whatever issues we are having in order to correct them.


And i know what you are saying about the clubstands thing but i also think this is one of the reasons we are so active at most shows in that members are happy to pay the membership as it will give them the opportunity to join us on a stand.


My only niggle is that unfortunately some seem to not want to play ball at all and have attended various events the club has arranged to not even show up let alone join on the day. I admit that this hasn't been very regular but it has happened quite a bit.


I think it's only fair to the paying membership to offer these places first as fully paid up members but make no mistake that if a CF member wants to go on a stand and is happy to join the club on the day then we are more than happy, this has happened more times than I can remember now and some are still current members from doing so like that.


We obviously have a link to the CF on the website and believe me it's amazing how many peeople i speak to at events that do not know about the CF as they have litterally just come into the corrado world and haven't even googled it to see if there is a club/forum etcI always point people towards the CF if they are asking about getting into ownership as i know it's a much more informative site that the CCGB's is for cars for sale and parts for sale etc.


I guess some folk would say it's a bit one sided but i really dont think it is, there has to be some benefit from paying a membership and i feel this is one of the main ones.


Hmmmm some good comments though and much appreciated.



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As someone fairly new on the club/forum scene, I don't actually think there is too much "wrong". The running of CCGB is a little lax, to say the least as to new memberships, mags etc, but an active, willing club needs active, willing members too! The Corrado needs a club, and this forum. After all it is an "iconic" motor car?


Also the £10 membership fee is nothing, I just would have liked my membership number quicker, via email? Can't be that difficult?

Edited by Toohottotrot

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As most of you will know, I am not a Committee Member, but a very active Club Member who I believe really contributes to the Club.

The CCGB is only a lax, due to the same old people getting up off their backsides - when they have time - to do something for the Club.


My response is not aimed at any one person in particular - but -

Personally I am sick to death of people complaining about the Club they are always the ones who are never offering to help, submit articles let alone think to arrange any type of social gathering themselves. If they only did this they may understand exactly how much effort goes into orgainising such things. I hope all those complaining will be attending the AGM next April to put themselves forward to the Committee.


With no Club, there would not be the events for the Forum folk to even consider attending, so to pay the £10 Membership I feel is a small price to pay.

Most people who orgainise these things will be out of pocket considerably more than £10.


Feeling much calmer now !!! Please remember this post was not aimed at anyone specifically.

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I hope all those complaining will be attending the AGM next April to put themselves forward to the Committee.

Yup, there'll be a little bit of dust from those moaning on here. Try facing the Clubs bank when the Chairman runs off with the funds. It was no joke in that bank manager's office in 2003.


So either lend a hand or accept others spared (free) time that provides YOU with a club service.



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I was at the AGM in April,(my first)

In defence to the CCGB what a professionally run club !

I for one, are grateful for all the time and effort put in by the committee and their helpers.

Hopefully next year,if I ever get mine back from the bodyshop,you may see me at some of the shows !

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Yup, there'll be a little bit of dust from those moaning on here. Try facing the Clubs bank when the Chairman runs off with the funds. It was no joke in that bank manager's office in 2003.


So either lend a hand or accept others spared (free) time that provides YOU with a club service.




LOL, can't have been a good experience Chris but well done!


So what happened to Brian Rose and his 2 (or 3?) Corrado's??

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He was forced to sell the VR6 he bought with Club funds and give the money back along with the rest he took. Only 1 Corrado involved, the red 16v was sold at the time of the changeover and had nothing to do with Club funds.


Still haven't destroyed the 3 inch thick lever arch file with all the paperwork of what went on that year. CCGB heirloom I suppose these days.





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He was forced to sell the VR6 he bought with Club funds and give the money back along with the rest he took. Only 1 Corrado involved, the red 16v was sold at the time of the changeover and had nothing to do with Club funds.


Still haven't destroyed the 3 inch thick lever arch file with all the paperwork of what went on that year. CCGB heirloom I suppose these days.





I'd like to have a flick through that lot someday Chris :)

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He was forced to sell the VR6 he bought with Club funds and give the money back along with the rest he took. .


What the . . . . . . . ?


I don't understand how people think they can get away with things like that.

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Steve, looks like H774 ARC was scrapped back in 2008 but not properly according to the DVLA as its not SORN and it unlicensed..

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Steve, looks like H774 ARC was scrapped back in 2008 but not properly according to the DVLA as its not SORN and it unlicensed..


Not scrapped as I wouldn't appear on the database...

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Never knew anything about this? Wow!


Judith; I think I tried to register and pay online and that didn't work so I paid at Stonor in the end. But anyway no card or membership pack :( It would be nice to have a couple of the previous issues I missed out on


I wouldn't mind writing a little about my Corrado experiences and my current car or writing for the magazine :) Most people don't listen to me at the best of times though, lol


I will do my best to pop down next April as well.

Edited by Pat_McCrotch

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My tuppence, as a new (this year) Corrado owner.


I joined up with the CCGB early this year (March?) as my other half was a member of the Mk1 Golf club and got 10% off her insurance with Adrian Flux, so given that I was seriously thinking about getting a C at that point it seemed like a worthy investment. Tumbleweed for a bit. Eventually I got my membership card/sticker/Sprinter in the same week I bought my car - in August! As it happened AF refused to insure me due to no NCB so the insurance discount never happened. In the first flush of membership excitement I went to the Beaulieu meet - admittedly it was mostly a Scirocco event but it was nice to see a few Corradi in the same place. I had a brief chat with a couple of the owners but to be honest I felt excluded - with the notable exception of JMR. After a while I got bored of not being in the cool gang so I went home :shrug:


The Sprinter was nice, but as previously mentioned quite short! There's a wealth of information in the wiki and on the forums so it didn't really feel like I was getting much real value out of it. So ultimately I paid £10 for a sticker and some embarrassing silences. Not a great first impression.


Having joined the forum here I've got much better value, both in access to information and through the classifieds. If I only had £10 to spend on club memberships next year it would definitely be going to the forum, even though it's optional! The CCGB is nowhere near as active as some car clubs (random example, the Land Rover 101 club - they run a registry, history searches, group buys of remanufactured parts and the only forum...more expensive membership but much clearer what value you get from it!) so it's harder to see what service the CCGB is providing.


Obviously I know nothing about any of the past history but a merger seems quite sensible.



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Pat (Neil) :)

If you register and select the 'pay by cheque' option we'll get notification and authorise access as we know you are currently paid up.

Regarding never having had a Sprinter in 2009 or since could you ask Jim if he has any spare backdated copies to send you?


And I am sure Jim would be very grateful for an article, or two.

Hope to see you Sunday 1st April (no joke) at Gaydon Heritage Centre ;)

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Disappointing to hear that you felt excluded and that you weren't able to join in. I do distinctly remember chatting to you a little bit, but I was keen to catch up with friends that I hadn't seen for a while including friends who'd come over from Germany.


I do remember very clearly feeling a bit left out when I first registered with the club way back in the Brian Rose days - the onus is really on you to come up and chat though, as it's the only way you'll get to know people etc! But I do take onboard that I could be a bit more friendly to new faces.


---------- Post added at 09:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 PM ----------


And Judith - yep, I do have a selection of issues from the last few years. Would be happy to sort some out for Neil.

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I joined up with the CCGB early this year (March?) Stone


As treasurer I can confirm registration/payment was 30th May. However I have no information on and can not comment on when membership info was put in the post.

But all that aside many thanks for your views on your experiances and all comments taken on board.


Regards Judith

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I too can feel rather an outsider in many event type days.


But I think this is a natural feeling, annoyingly you have to put quite alot of effort in to these things to reap the rewards.

Sadly many of the regulars at these events are just that, regulars!

Overall not many people come along and show their enthusiam or comimitment to joining in and becoming an active member.


The way I have made good friends in the CCGB is through the Weekend Events, where you get to have real time with people.


Although we can all have times when you meet people for the first time and you just click, but there are plenty of others when it is not like that and takes building on.


And ontop of all that - We are Brits after all ! Somewhat reserved !


I think your point none the less will be taken on board.


And - I can't help but say - Are the other Club Memberships just £10.00 ??

(Hopefully I won't get all red faced here !!!!!)

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My tuppence, as a new (this year) Corrado owner.


I joined up with the CCGB early this year (March?) as my other half was a member of the Mk1 Golf club and got 10% off her insurance with Adrian Flux, so given that I was seriously thinking about getting a C at that point it seemed like a worthy investment. Tumbleweed for a bit. Eventually I got my membership card/sticker/Sprinter in the same week I bought my car - in August! As it happened AF refused to insure me due to no NCB so the insurance discount never happened. In the first flush of membership excitement I went to the Beaulieu meet - admittedly it was mostly a Scirocco event but it was nice to see a few Corradi in the same place. I had a brief chat with a couple of the owners but to be honest I felt excluded - with the notable exception of JMR. After a while I got bored of not being in the cool gang so I went home :shrug:


The Sprinter was nice, but as previously mentioned quite short! There's a wealth of information in the wiki and on the forums so it didn't really feel like I was getting much real value out of it. So ultimately I paid £10 for a sticker and some embarrassing silences. Not a great first impression.


Having joined the forum here I've got much better value, both in access to information and through the classifieds. If I only had £10 to spend on club memberships next year it would definitely be going to the forum, even though it's optional! The CCGB is nowhere near as active as some car clubs (random example, the Land Rover 101 club - they run a registry, history searches, group buys of remanufactured parts and the only forum...more expensive membership but much clearer what value you get from it!) so it's harder to see what service the CCGB is providing.


Obviously I know nothing about any of the past history but a merger seems quite sensible.




We had a similar experience at Beaulieu, chatted to a few people at first but people soon got into groups in the cafe, quite obvious there was no room for newbies! We had a laugh with the 2 german guys that were with Eric, they had very little English and I remembered more German than I thought possible, 10 or 12 words at least! They were having great fun trying to pass a cigarette paper between the belt tensioner and chassis rail on my mk1 rocco!

As for British being reserved no more than any other nation, Aussies are much the same, some friendly, some not. Just human nature I suppose, herd animals. So you are not on your own Stone.

I recently joined the Camaro owners Club, as I have a new (old?) toy coming from the states. So many friends requests on the forum, I can't keep up!


I always like to quote Groucho marx: "I wouldnt care to be a member of any club that would have me!"

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Steve, as I said it's not been scrapped properly but at the same time it's not been SORNED either - the tax just ran out and its in limbo so highly likley its been broken for bits but the DVLA just don't know about it.

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We had a similar experience at Beaulieu, chatted to a few people at first but people soon got into groups in the cafe, quite obvious there was no room for newbies!


I'm slightly disappointed you feel this was your experience. We arranged to meet up and had a good chat at the petrol station before we headed down to the meet in convoy. I didn't presume you needed introductions and stuff given that you'd already gone to the meet (the name of which escapes me) at Malvern and certainly come across as a fairly confident, outgoing sort of guy. Certainly in my experience of going to meets with other clubs (such as PistonHeads) the exact same thing happens.. and the responsibility is on you to go and chat to people - something which I find fairly tough as I'm not the most confident when it comes to chatting to strangers.


I can accept that there may come across as an element of "clique" about existing members but speaking from my own perspective, that's not intentional - club meets are just opportunities to catch up with friends and have a fun day out. When it comes to "representing the club" in an official capacity then I do so, like the the NEC Classic Car Show. I'll don the club top and lurk around the stand and talk about Corrado's and whatever else to folks who come onto the stand. But at general events like meets and so forth, I want to go and check the place out too - having never been to Beaulieu I was keen to see the site and socialise with my friends.


I'm not going to defend the position and can accept that perhaps this is something we need to work on too? But I just didn't think we were doing anything wrong in this respect.

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I do agree that club meets can seem clicky but frankly that only comes down to the fact that most of us have know each other for over 5 years and the only time we tend to get together and catch up is at club meets, easiest way in is to start talking about Corrados because its a common ground we all enjoy!

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I've always found Corrado meets to be cliquey. The modifiers stick to one group, the CCGB people stick to one group, the concours people stick to one group and the newbies and uncategorised peeps are left wandering around looking for an approachable, friendly face to talk to.


Even at non-Corrado specific meets, I've watched known CF members walk up to my car and stick their noses up at it like it was a rusty MK1 Cortina or something.


There is without doubt snobby boundaries within Corradoland and I will not be part of it. It's why I can't be arsed with the 'club' or meets.


The only exception is the Stealth dyno days. They feel a lot more relaxed and open.


As already mentioned, this forum is a good platform to escape all that and target the people and topics you're more interested in.

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Despite having a friendly and approachable demeanour, perhaps it's the fact you're constantly shouting RAAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHHHH at the top of your voice that puts people off :lol:

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Despite having a friendly and approachable demeanour, perhaps it's the fact you're constantly shouting RAAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHHHH at the top of your voice that puts people off :lol:


Plus throwing empty cans of RedBull at 4 cylinder 'peasants' and stubbing cigarettes out on non turbocharged cars...


That and his car is a rusty old heap of sh1t... infact it's almost like looking at an old MK1 Cortina!

Edited by Supercharged

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