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I thought all comments were welcome, I thought I was being constructive? It would seem not.


Your comments most certainly are welcome be it possitive/constuctive or indeed negatve. this thread has prompted action to improve things with almost immediate effect so your's other folk's oppinion's do have a huge influence to that alone.


Who did you send the pm's to on the CCGB website? maybe there's a notification issue there. :(


Some content has also been pulled from the site due to it running very slow until we find a faster hosting company which obviously takes time when the chap doing the job is working a lot of overtime too, i know it'd be the last thing i want to do after a long day at work, not moaning here but some things do seem to take forever to sort because they aren't just 10 minute jobs.


So yes it can be quiet on the forum section and that will always be the case as i mentioned earlier, you have no doubt quite a few stories to tell your self with numerous car ownerships and time in Australia in sure you could do a fantastic article for the Sprinter or even just some photo's about your cars on the website?


Just a thought :)


Everyone's comments are important and we DO take that into account.





Edited by KIPVW

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Some content has also been pulled from the site due to it running very slow until we find a faster hosting company which obviously takes time when the chap doing the job is working a lot of overtime too, i know it'd be the last thing i want to do after a long day at work, not moaning here but some things do seem to take forever to sort because they aren't just 10 minute jobs.Kip


When I was looking for hosting last year I was recommended to use http://www.tsohost.com by quite a few people. I did register a domain with them but haven't used them for actual hosting yet. However I called them recently about a renewal problem and they answered promptly and gave good service.

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I think that's maybe the issue, too much going on up North and not enough down South recently.



Note: Anything past Milton Keynes is generally classed as the North by Southerners :lol:


Meh that's not North you want to try up here.. :p

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I get it, it's all my fault! :p


I agree that it takes work, but equally there's no point forcing myself on people who clearly aren't interested. I think Tempest's comment about being feted is quite unfair - there's a difference between expecting to be courted and being faced with a wagon circle when you're trying to say hello. I'm glad Toohottotrot noticed it too or I'd feel like a right loser!


By contrast, all the forum peeps I've met while buying or flogging stuff have been lovely - all up for a chat, in a couple of cases spending over an hour poking around the car and pointing out missing bits, diagnosing or offering advice. It's all very well saying I should be more open-minded but it cuts both ways and it wouldn't be hard to make a little effort even when you're with your mates.


That said, it won't be the last meet I go to and hopefully I'll get to meet more of you later on :thumbleft:



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Have to ask - how would you know, I have never seen you at any Club Event


Why do they feel more friendly than normal club event days then?


---------- Post added at 05:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 PM ----------



Only you get my special RAAAAAAARRRGGGGHHH Tom ;) Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... you know you love it :D

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Now imagine what it would/is like when going to E38 which is a very clique-ie forum, who do gather in their groups. This forum is way friendlier. Though, ive never been to a CF meet or RR day, i cant fully appreciate whats been said. I do however plan to go to a meet or preferably a RR day, to finally get to meet you guys (ive been a member Waaay too long and not met peeps). I can be a shy kind of guy until i get to know people, but it does depend on the circumstances and how comfortable i am at the time. But i do feel if i made the effort to speak to others they'd respond in the same manner

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I'll run the risk of repeating myself and therefore making myself look stupid (since my message isn't getting across :lol:):


When you turn up to a new place, it's YOU that's got to make the first step. That's it, end-of, full-stop. if you cannot abide by this simple rule of life, what are you doing in life?


I very recently joined a new club, and went through all of this, so am well experienced methinks. Turned up at a regional meet that I got the details for from the web. i wasn't even a member when I turned up, no problem, I'll try before I buy, I thought. As a matter of fact I went to 2 different clubs to check both out as to decide which one to join.


On both occasions I parked up, got out of shiney new car (hence the search for a new club), walked up to nearest innocent bystander and started to talk. This you do by opening and closing lips in such a manner that words are formed. It really isn't difficult. If you now are feeling a strop coming on then fine, you're not welcome to MY little club :lol:


No seriously, if I can do this, and I sometimes am a bit shy, too, then so can everyone else. Case in hand again: I got talking about all sorts of things, well mainly my new toy and already have some new people that i intend to meet up with at future regional meets of the club that in the end I decided to join. Simples, no rocket science involved. i too was faced with a bunch of people that already knew each other, were standing around chatting to each other, since for many these regional meets are the only times they meet up and get to tlak, so I appreciated all that for what it is. Still, i was aware of the fact that I had to make the first move, step into one of those circles and talk. look! They even talk back to me! Wow!


I'm sorry, but if homo sapiens lacks this most basic skill, then said specimen is not worthy of the label sapiens ;) Feel insulted again? Good! At least I've got your attention, because quite frankly I'm getting sick and tired of the on-going moaning going on here about a bunch of people that are truly giving it their all and best to provide like-minded Corrado people with more and fun ways to enjoy Corrado ownership and we seem to be receiving an aweful lot of flak for it.


It has been said before: if you think you can do better, then turn up at the AGM and stand up and say I can do better than that and I wish to nominate myself for elections! Just don't be disappointed if you will actually get elected :lol: That then finally gives me the chance of moaning :lol:


Big thanks also to those who DO keep on supporting us by either attending meets, helping at various events, in the background, providing a listening ear and just generally for being nice Corrado folk to have a fun time together with.


Right, end of my moans, won't change anything I fear, au contraire, i suspect the usual folk to challenge me hard. Go on, I may enjoy it ;)



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Have to say, the vast majority of Corrado owners I've met at all sorts of events over the years have been very friendly and more than willing to chat to new faces.

It may seem like there are cliquey groups on occasion, but that's never really the case, just some people catching up on the months that have gone by and so naturally have a lot to say to each other.

The one thing I have noticed is that if anything a lot of the owners that have had cars for years are more than interested in anyone new, because it brings a new car and new interest rather than just talking about the same old collection of cars :)

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Ok I think fast approaching 10 pages on this subject is enough.


As the primary focus of this debate seems to be the CCGB, could I suggest using their forums to discuss this further.


It's not really fair to the less-informed members who will assume that the CF is the topic of discussion here. I'm not opposed to the CF being criticised but we'll deal with those issues in our own threads/bashings.

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