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Possible new Storm owner

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Hi, found a green storm for sale, its been stood for 4-5 years in a garage, body is pretty good, a bit of a scuff on the door and underneath is pretty solid with no signs of rust other than under the door shut, paint needs a full correction as its full of swirls. 3 owners and 72k but no real history after 60k. Its been full of stereo most of which is still in it and has a schrick inlet manifold, possibly more but can't find any receipts. Has the original letter from vw saying thanks for buying it.

So what I'm trying to gauge is how much should I offer? Its not moved at all for the time its been stored or even run, no idea what can of worms I'm going to open but just before it got put away it had new tyres, breaks and a service.

Any help would be gratefully recieved

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Bit of a hard question to be honest. The fact its low milage and comes with a Shrick means that if it were in good running order and good condition bodywork wise (and original, unmessed with) then it'd be worth pretty strong money - maybe approaching £5k to the right buyer.


But being stood for 4-5 years and the problems that that can cause means that it could be a big gamble. A lot will depend on how dry the storage is and what condition it was in before it was put in there. I imagine it'll want at the least a decent fluid change, and the engine spinning over with the plugs out and fresh oil in it to see what the condition is before you even try to start it.


In my (relatively uneducated) opinion I would say that anything below £1000 and you've got a bargain, big time. From £1000 - 2500 you've paid a reasonable price on what could be a big gamble. £2500 and upwards and you're going to start to struggle to recoup the purchase cost should you decide its not worth putting back on the road and that it's better to break it.


Unless of course you're willing to do what most of us do and pour money into them whether its worth it or not, because they're just a little bit special (the cars, not the owners, although having said that....) :-)


Hope that helps a bit!



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Yeah I'd agree with Tom. I wouldn't pay more than 2k, considering your gonna need to possibly pump a grand into it. Being stood so long will have had a detrimental affect on all rubber components and seals. You mentioned it had new tyres before being stood, but tyres on a car for that long un-moved, will have big flat spots, and probably alot of cracking on side walls and tread too. A full service with all fluids changed, maybe calipers refirbed/replaced as they may well have seized, the list could go on and on mate.

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Thanks Tom, I think he wants quite strong money in my opinion, I was thinking more like 1.5k because of the gamble, needs a few bits, original shelf, c pillar trim, headlight, original wheels, centre section, gutter trims, scuttle panel and that's my list from a quick look over. Haven't tried turning it over yet, oil is clear but will need changing as it'll be broken down by now, all fluids, brakes were new but all seized.

Had a 16v years ago and remember how expensive bits were. Intend to get it mint and use it hopefully to replace my current motor

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Out of interest Chris, what's the VRM on it? I found a green storm about 5 years ago which had been laid up for about 5 years prior to me discovering it. Not long after I enquired whether it was for sale it mysteriously disappeared and I didn't see it again...just wondered if it might be the same car, although thinking about it I'm sure the one I looked at had more than 100k on the clock.


Here's the link anyway



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Its on a personal plate but starting with a N so its not that one, has come from up north before it ventured down south, supposed to be a dad then a son owning it, guessing the son is the reason for the stereo, dodgy wheels and manifold

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I'd agree with £1.5k for a gamble but with a schrick I'd up that to £1.8 to £2k.


It's also worth phoning VW and asking if they have any service history on it. I did that with a Corrado before buying mine. They had trouble finding it but eventually someone called me back with some info.

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Its got the service book up to 60k then I think a couple of non dealer invoices then it looks like its been off the road. Good call though, I'll try them tomorrow, I do know its 100% a storm, that's been confirmed

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