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Awesome day!

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Your car was rapid out of the corners though scruffydubbers - you sailed past me without too much trouble. I just wish i'd have known you were a bit easier fodder on the straights :D :)


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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ABSOLUTE GREAT DAY, well worth the skive. :D shame about the weather thou, after getting home we discovered my throttle was only opening 3/4 way. bloody thing, and the water injection pump has stopped working, ,, as i managed to loose ALL of my pictures and videos of the day is it possible someone could send me some. not to be put on here , just me, ta. i'm suprise nobody has mentioned my little 'jump' and off track dive :oops: was one of the funniest things i've done , :D :lol:

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:shock: First i've heard about this! sounds like a great day really look forward to the mag coming out. Nice one Jim for getting your car in the mag and by the sounds of things she was flying! Wish i could of been there with my old rado just one last finally spin. :cry:

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g-master I wasn't really even sposed to be there - PVW asked that it kept hush hush as there was potential for LOTS of people wanting to turn up. I only found out after Henny let slip something by accident!


g60bv - well that explains why I was pulling away from you on the straight then if your throttle was only opening 3/4 of the way! I'm hoping some kind of gallery is assembled sooner or later as I wanna see if anyone got any vids of my car! Never get to see (or hear!) your car from the outside that often so it'd be nice if someone has some. And yes, your offroad experience was a real laugh.. well.. after we realised you were ok. Saw you hit the grass and thought uh oh!! :)

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For those that want a bit of a video clip of that Merc SLR going past us, here tis.. don't think PVW will mind as its a totally unrelated thing that just happened to be going on at the same time as the group thrash :)




Turn your volume (and bass!) up.. and excuse me for being in the shot for the last second or so - it was Henny capturing the video :)

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after getting home we discovered my throttle was only opening 3/4 way. bloody thing, and the water injection pump has stopped working, ,,


excuses i dont know lol give jim his due though i had to do some serious late brake him to overtake him... :lol: in g60bv

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The thing is, my brakes felt REALLY strong - like no fade or anything - I reckon if I was feeling a bit braver I could have tried even harder on the corners. Not that they would compete with the Brembo's that G60BV had on but..


Maybe another time :)

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