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anyone know what this is ???????????

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Yep was going to say it's a distributor type thingy.....


Still have a soft spot for the old Escort Cossies..... well, the Lux version at least with the smaller turbo and small boot spoiler.

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But The Whale Tail is the Best Bit! It's big 2-Fingers to the rest of the world! A proper Coswoof, without a spoiler is like a VR6 without it's engine note!



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its FUGLY!!!!


get it away tae tcuk ;)


I dont live in essex and my burds not called sharnnn!





no taste at all :p .........the escort Cossie is probably one of the best cars from the 90's :wink: .....infact its one of the few cars that would tempt me out of C-ownership :p

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its FUGLY!!!!


get it away tae tcuk ;)


I dont live in essex and my burds not called sharnnn!





no taste at all :p .........the escort Cossie is probably one of the best cars from the 90's :wink: .....infact its one of the few cars that would tempt me out of C-ownership :p

I'm with you there! If I could a afford a cossie right now the corrado would be outa here!


Tell your bro to get on http://www.passionford.com/ The peeps on there know their stuff. Should be able to sort you out.


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2 of my mates have got escort cosworths,both mint and one paid just over £16k for it last year,and he sold his old one for £13k

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Agreed, the tail looked ridiculous back then and still does now. A 150mph car does not need an aerofoil like that!


The run-out lux models were the mutts, would much rather have one of those.

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without the tail it looks just like a ....FORD...the tail makes it stand out from the rest...and ford should of banned people reproducing the tails to stop the chavc sticking them on there 1.3 escorts

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ford should of banned people reproducing the tails to stop the chavc sticking them on there 1.3 escorts


and there-in lies the problem - apart from looking rediculous every 1.3 kevved up wagaon had one bolted on (badly).


I like understated - makes embarassing other "fast car" drivers all the sweeter :)

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Agreed, the tail looked ridiculous back then and still does now. A 150mph car does not need an aerofoil like that!


The run-out lux models were the mutts, would much rather have one of those.



the lux was offered from the start btw........it just refered to the interior trim IIRC all the exteriors were the same bar the delete-option of the whale-tail on the later small turbo ones :wink:

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Exactly. Huge spoilers are gay.


Unless it's on an RS500 :oops:



tbh the RS500's difference spoiler-wise was that as well as the whaletail of the std Sierra RS Cosworth it also had a small bootlid spoiler too

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it needed the downforce as it was so arse happy


oh and the 4wh drive sierras rocked too esp in cossie mode.


there cant be many escort cossies as they had to be stored in lead to insure them (almost)




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this is my bro in laws new car , i took it for a run last week, jesus that thing is so fast and corners it like its on rails... amazing


if you ride a bike , then you know that "buzz" the 911 is there nearest i've got to it on 4 wheels

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